
President for 7 years, hasn't taken one gun. Man, it's like he's not even trying!

Every time that's happened to me, I've asked to see the weapon in question (usually a fucking Glock, which hey! at least it WILL fire when the trigger is pulled because it doesn't have a traditional safety, and only 10% of their fucking owners KNOW that), racked the slide and thrown the chambered round that doesn't

I get physically ill every time I remember that one.

If they won't ban them, at LEAST regulate 'em like silencers under the NFA. A $200 tax per, required registration, and if you get caught transferring one without clearance you get your ass kicked.

Iron Giant runs against on platform of "I am not a gun", loses decisively.

Also, we've banned the CDC from using gun violence statistics from being used for gun control purposes, to which the CDC has responded by realizing ANY analysis of American gun crime will lend itself to supporting gun control and just not studying gun crime.

I'm torn on that one so much. I really wanted their smug terrorist asses to get plonked in jail, but considering the mindset of that group: "Some people doing illegal shit got shot by the gub'mint! Time to blow up 180+ innocent people with a fertilizer bomb to even the score!", it was probably the better outcome. It

There are suburban outdoor store commandos around me that pack up and go shoot Prairie Dogs. I could never get my head around that. If you're a farmer, yeah, they can be a pest out here, but why would you want to shoot one, otherwise? They're freakin' adorable..

Look at this guy! "Canada is very, very far from a perfect place…" About one of the nicest and safest places to live on the planet, while talking to Americans essentially slowly marching toward Thunderdome. I cannot, nay, will not believe Canada is anything less than a magical place of friendliness and moose. Though

It sure as hell beats my plan: work a shit minimum-wage job in high school, spend ten years watching accountants destroy the automotive repair business, all while trying to finish an aerospace engineering degree at night because your Baby Boomer father who CAN buy a brand-new Harley, a Nissan 370z from the dealer you

But outlaws are badasses! Bonnie and Clyde, Billy the Kid, John Stamos! They're not unhinged psycho killers, glorified murderous thugs, and/or frighteningly cheesy 80's leftovers with inexplicably floofy hair!

I'm not a soldier, but I DID watch Chuck Norris in Delta Force last night…

I think the giveaway is that you called them what they are: "weapons".

BUT! 80's action movies told us that balls, moxie, and dangit, just plain wanting it more than the other guy allows all plucky underdogs to triumph in the face of superior numbers, training, equipment, experience AND resources!!!

My wife enjoys target shooting and for a while we were looking at getting her a concealed pistol because of her psycho ex, but we both came to the conclusion that with her temperament she might blast the asshole on sight.

I installed adblock when I was reading about Sandy Hook the day it happened and FrontSight Tactical Defense Training ads were piling up on the page. I could not take that shit.

I just wanna say GOD. DAMMIT. I noticed I've had a tendency only to really engage in discussions about issues like this on the site instead of geeking out about pop culture as God intended, and was making a conscious effort to stop doing that, yet, hey! here I am!

Even trained soldiers and especially police officers often just hit the "spray in the general direction of the target" panic button. It's not just training, one generally has to have BEEN IN SAID SITUATION BEFORE to function. The military teaches to shoot by reflex specifically because of that. If snapping to the

If anyone needs me, I'll be the guy repeatedly smashing his face against his tempered glass computer desk.

As many times as that has happened, I still had a more visceral reaction when I turned the corner at the local Academy Sports last time I went to buy some cleaning patches. Popped around the corner and there were 3 eighteen year old kids with ARs shouldered, looking through the optics and pointing them at anything and