
Making firearms easier to acquire for people who don't leave the house? What could go wrong!

Texas passed a bunch of laws to reduce the threshold where lethal force was considered "justified" ostensibly to "protect good, honest folk from being screwed by bleeding heart liberal ACLU lawyer-types."

In practice it has been MOAR guns for fewer people. Guns are being sold like hotcakes… mainly to people who already have guns… While pretty much every year the total number of owners is going down.

Keep in mind militia in the 18th century were equivalent to National Guard. Still a semi-professional force administrated by the authorities to hold the fort while the regular army is on campaign. The current interpretation of "militia" is pretty much "right-wing paramilitary guerillas" which I've never known ONE

Man, i wish there were a loophole that would allow that to be handled under the Clean Air Act.

There are actual statistics, and they're scary. I can't remember off the top of my head, but the greatest factor in your probability of dying by gun violence is "Has gun in house."

It's more than that, even. My tiny-assed little Oklahoma suburb has an MRAP and an old M113 APC (with a fuckin M240 they can put on a pintle mount!), along with enough former military M4s to equip a platoon. Just about every cop on the force is also SWAT trained, and we haven't had a SWAT deployment in the entire 30

Like the old white guy who thumped a couple rounds into a black teenager in Florida because the thumping car stereo made him feel scared for his life?

It's been said Obama's the best gun salesman this country has ever seen. I've watched nearly every one of his addresses after yet another mass shooting and it feels like you can watch him die a little bit in real-time.

That's the biggest hangup on home defense for me. The guys who think they're gonna go Delta Force and start sweeping rooms to hunt down the dude. The layout of my house, there's only the one way into the bedroom. Everything beyond that door is covered by insurance, go nuts. Just hope you can haul off my shit and be

"Jane! What's with all the guns? You only got the two arms?"

And there's some great Venn-diagram overlap between the two!

To be fair, my 30-06 M1 and .303 Enfield range queens ARE worse…

Easy! AWOL out, and take those sweet-assed government benefits on the run so he can tool up and shoot people looking for handouts.

In that case you rent the French army and navy for a few years and pose for some pretty pictures while you try to whip your raggedy-assed band of farmers into a proper fighting force, after repeatedly getting your ass kicked by the finest fighting force of the day, until the logistics of supplying an army across the

I showed one of my friends a video of what a .223 Remington does when it encounters drywall when she said he needed an AR for home defense. She lives in an apartment, mind you, in an admittedly bad town (tiny little bumfuck all-white rural burg with a raging meth problem, who woulda guessed?)

Home the Armless!

My crazy uncle who IS one of them (nevermind he makes about $150k a year working for a company that makes parts for government fighter jets) goes full-on crazy to override the paradox by just saying Obama's got a shadow force that has infiltrated both organizations, and when activated they'll take out all the good

If they were an AI from a classic Scifi series, they'd shutdown due to being faced with a logical paradox.

Deaths in combat caused by rifles are "incidentals" anyway. Since the freakin Napoleonic Wars most casualties have been caused by crew-served weapons, artillery, aircraft, MG emplacements, etc. So it they're going to sell that Civil War narrative, they need to start demanding the right to bear guided antitank