
Most of these people have yellow ribbon bumper car magnets and share "police lives matter" memes, never minding if their fantasy comes true, they'll be theoretical shooting at the "troops" they support, or police officers just trying to do the job handed to them that they so fervently claim to support.

And GOP governors passing idiotic legislation prohibiting state and local agencies from enforcing federal laws, which will get pimp-slapped by the supremacy clause, but at least will tie up resources and reduce the likelihood anyone has the will to start trying to untangle the godawful mess.

That would be balls-out awesome.

The number of guns in circulation has soared, but the number of owners has shrunk, true. Because I occasionally post videos of competitions I shoot, my facebook ad algorithm assumes I'm a 2nd Amendment nut, so I saw a thing on my feed relating to the surge in black friday gun sales as a "stunning rebuke" for gun

The "impractical" part is if you forget to put the plugs in, your getting slapped with a big-ass fine. Keep in mind most high-capacity shotguns have their chokes (basically what sets the shot dispersal) set up for close-in combat. I would never take my shotgun hunting (not a hunter, for one) because the shot dispersal

Jesus Fuck that page image…

Because it's overkill. If you can't do what needs done in 3 shots, you have no business blasting off five.

"But then the people I want to shoot might shoot baaaaack!!!"

"The State of the Union," he said, cinching down a red, white, and blue pair of Everlast boxing gloves, "is 'come at me bro!'"

Ha! He's a white and grey 11 year old. My younger sister was the original owner, but he very rapidly got to be too much to handle. I've raised nothing but huskies my whole life (though I feel the universe is pushing me toward a German Shepard this year) so me taking care of and training him turned into "Well, he

You'e right. I was generalizing a personal prediction I have for Mr. Scott this year: Since The Martian is the first of his films in a long while to measure up to some of his better works, I think we'll see them finally feel safe in awarding some of the recognition he's missed out on.

Ah shit, that was a real-life belly laugh you just coaxed out of me.

Every time I see that scene my heart stops just a little. That scene is 99.99% Charlize Theron just being awesome, but it's a very big .01% to George Miller for putting that scene in the damn movie. I've seen so many movies where a character should be essentially gutted, only to go, "Whelp, whatevs. Let's go kick Lord

Maybe it's a "Hey, sorry we tore your career a new asshole after the studio forced you to chop Kingdom of Heaven into tiny, bloody chunks, we're good, right?"


"He's been killing it on the Leftovers though. Seems like his work is better when he isn't trying to troll the viewers."

It was just like that time I went drinking with the commander of the USS Enterprise Carrier battle group, mentioned my scores in Ace Combat 04 and he said "Y'got moxie, kid! Take my job!"

As much ham and cheese went into the original movies, the end of Wrath of Khan still hits me like a freight train because we had the series and the preceding movies to build up that relationship between Kirk and Spock, and when they were just aping those scenes during Into Darkness with the twist of just reversing the

I believe it was a marker of some sort- And literally halfway through typing this I remembered specifically it was a pink highlighter.

My sisters did the same, but added a hot pink dye job to the aforementioned modifications.