
I read something Nate Silver wrote yesterday that helped me calm down. Strip away the media's breathless fascination with Tronald Dump and you're left with data showing he might pull 8% of the 25% of voters that identify Republican (ie primary voters). I'm sure I'm misrembering his exact numbers, but basically he's

Sigh… Back to Kerbal Space Program for me. Started a new Skyrim save since I finally got back to my poor, neglected PC. Going from dual GTX670s to a 970 I was able to crank my enb stuff to the max. Not running off a shared VRAM pool made a bigger difference than I expected…

I blame the schools.

Was trying to think of something heavy, and hey, write what you know!

Ah, Old Reliable.

Dammit, not ONE insight on how to date Natalie Dormer!

After all that head-shaking you could probably pull a 500lbs. Ford 292 Y-block out of a car with your neck muscles alone.

People, please! If we're going to be hating on Barney, it has to be done in a way consistent with league rules.

My sister had the Rex, I had a Styracosaurus, and I was eternally jealous.

I think my Styracosaurus is still floating around somwhere.


Somewhere at my dad's, I'm sure, is an old VHS with probably every episode illegally recorded from rental tapes. Might need to go wave a strong magnet at it…

So four Nazis walk into a BAR…

I always enjoyed the circular logic: "Them muslims are all killers! Lookat that dem dere Islamic State! They're just a rapin' and a killin'…"

Replace *go to battle* with *send the folks who signed up for numerous various reasons in their stead into battle* and we can send this one to the presses.

I wanna print mini-bumper stickers I can addend to all those "Freedom isn't free" ones you see all over that say "*but I'll be goddamned if I'M the one footing the bill".

The funny thing is, I remember a time when a dude who would have been best described as "some Breitbarter" managed to kill a lot more people about 80 miles west of where I live in the exotic, foreign land of Oklahoma City…

Driving back home from Texas, through extreme rural Oklahoma, I can't shake the feeling there'd have to be a few places that were minimally impacted. No that nukes aren't jus that destructive, but there's a ton of little burgs and hill communities (thinking around Natural Falls State Park) that would just be a

The Vaults as social experimenta thing really didn't exist as a concept until planning for FO2 was in progress. While it meshed well with what preceded it, I always felt it felt like subversive wackiness for the sake of subversive wackiness. The new games do make the most of the concept, and it does make for some more