
There's usually some overlap with the groups who feel NASA would somehow find it beneficial to hide evidence of aliens.

I'm roped into the office fantasy football league, but goddamn if my heart doesn't still belong to baseball. And hockey…

One thing that always stuck with me from Resident Evil 2 was the paramedic zombies.

"I heard there was this chick, couldn't keep her clothes on? Who was that?"

For some reason, I'm finding the thought that her official title is "Melisandre of Course" waaaaay funnier than it actually is.

I blame Canada

"At least it's a fucking ethos!"

Likewise Lolita…

I agree wholeheartedly, but my bleeding liberal heart makes it hard for me to take much pleasure in the schadenfreude. I equate objectivist philosophy with prosperity gospel. Only instead of "I'm spending my total economic output to buy Pastor Dollar a Gulfstream, because Jesus will definitely do me a solid in the

I always thought of it this way: Disregarding emotion on the face of it, is in itself, illogical.

Where I work, "acid suit" just means "fancy raincoat". Which, when you need it, turns into "ammonia trap".

I like the idea of aerostat colonies, myself. Floating along the clouds in a survivable atmospheric pressure… Just need a basic acid suit and a respirator. It'd be a matter of hours, tops, before the first inhabitants 3D print a Vader costume and started talking about deals, and further modifications to the same.

Apart from the smell, the most irritating thing for me is listening to a bunch of college freshmen talk about mods and equipment the way I used to talk about cars. They're FAR too young to be trying to quit, and if I have to listen to a "my cloud is bigger than your cloud" contest one more freakin time…

I always though of trigger warnings as the equivalent of those "Combat veteran lives here, please firework responsibly" signs that pop up on lawns every July.

"And it's an audio daily double:"

On PS4, at least, I'm getting pretty heavily reinvested in Destiny. If you get whatever they're calling the all-in-one package it's worth dipping into. I still haven't found a group for raids, so I'm not being showered in legendary and exotic equipment, but the loot system is so much more generous than it was, I feel

I'm not saying he eats babies, but he does have teeth, so you have to wonder…

"Just a box…"

I just chalked it up to not investing enough in L when I set my SPECIAL the day I was born.

Bahahaha. Better gear than I have… What fantastical claims! I must have blasphemed something fierce against The Destiny Loot God. Every legendary I have I had to buy, save the one time I got a legendary shotgun. Which was great for a distance player.