
Oddly enough, playing MGSV has put me in the mood to marathon all the previous MGS games. I'm loving it to pieces (even though the prologue missions ended up as bloody massacres.) I'm sure the conversation you have carrying your buddy to safety is a lot more dramatic and, erm, audible, when you're not competing in the

I played the beta, and preordered the PS4, so while I won't go so far as to anoint myself expert material, I'll offer that my experience has shown to me mic interaction isn't that critical in Destiny. In a Raid you'll be amongst friends, anyway, and you can rock strikes and most competitive MP rounds without voice

I primarily got Destiny for the shiny white PS4 bundle, but damned if it didn't scratch an itch. The shooting is tight, so as just a skill-based competitive/cooperative game it feels slick as hell. While the story as presented in the game is pretty weak, the art design sometimes inspires what I can only describe as

Oddly, the best match I ever had was in Titanfall on PC. With the SMG, no less. At least it felt like my best. Sole defender of a control point and getting charged by 3 guys, dropping them all, was chased out alive by two late arrivals, reloading/healing and coming back to take them out before they got the capture was

What's most disconcerting is the car in the page image looks like it's in pretty good shape, just y'know, with the fenders unbolted and a bunch of tacky shit slapped on… plus all those unrelated metal bits randomly attached.

I have a dinged up yellowing speederbike trooper that will have to be pried out of my cold dead hands.

Ahhh… The days of running WinAmp in the background while I played various PC games.

My sister's just about to start teaching and she finds infinite dark humor in GOP candidates saying she needs to be packing heat in the classroom after every clockwork mass shooting, then once election seasons rolls around calling teachers' unions essentially terrorist organizations.

I sometimes wish all dogma: believers, nonbelievers, all the various -ists, could just unite behind one, universally true aphorism: "Don't be a dick."

Al Swearengen already speaks in pure poetry. Drop a sick beat and some harmonies and let the money print itself!

I believe Pam explained how this show got made best in an episode of Archer, "Ba pa ba pa pa pa pa: COCAINE!"

The NRA's solution is to always be packing, yourself. Because simply having a gun in one's hand and being "one of the good guys" instantly imparts the judgment, aim, trigger discipline, and nerves of steel of a 1970s renegade movie cop.

God. Damn. Battle Angel Alita.

Just hoping it's at least better than the trailer. Having to sit through every goddamn rise and fall sports movie cliche every time I go to the theater has gotten annoying.

Dammit, just pay the ferry! The life you save may be your own!

It's a silly thing for me to put so much thought into, but part of the reason I took the tack I did, is one of my favorite cheesy 50's scifi movies is "THEM!" with the goofy giant ants. Budgets being what they were, the cimactic fight was a bunch of army guys shooting them up with regular guns, and even as a little

I was afraid my initial wording would come off combative. Sorry. Mainly my feelings are A, if the story wants the animals to become an existential threat, they'll eventually have to up their game from just picking off a few straggling humans, and B, if they do that, they'll have to come up with some severe

Because it's not like a few nations have large groups of personnel in neat color-coordinated outfits who are rather good at the coordinated attack/defense thing, or, I dunno, armored vehicles.

They do realize the human race has wiped out more impressive collections of species, by accident, BEFORE the advent of gunpowder?

Indeed. The song they did for the game Homeworld never fails to bring a smile to my face. I should probably qeue it up, come to think of it…