
That's one of the things that made me drop the cash for the Play-Arts Kai Jensen figure. He's one of the few male game characters I can identify with physically, as he's not a Marcus Fenix roid-monkey, and isn't wearing the bulky skin of a Battlemech for armor. Although I LOVED the new Wolfenstein's take on BJ

When I showed some pics of the desktop I built to a friend he was incredulous I had 2 dvd/burner drives. He asked why and I was like, "Um, easy disc backup…"
He clarified he was asking why I had even one and I could only stare at him dumbfounded.

I soooo wish they'd gotten Tim together with Billy-Mac(?) in "Hatless."

I think it was in the guide where they dropped a little fluff text about his childhood, and how his mom would drop everything and spend money they didn't have to take him on trips they couldn't afford whenever things would go wrong in her life, and he always felt guilty about that. Going to avoid any spoilers on how

I would so love to see that piece of shit getting wood looking forward to a quickdraw with Raylan muhfuggin' Givens just go lights out from a 400 yard apricot shot courtesy of Tim, mid horseshit soliloquy.

This will probably be the geekiest thing anyone will read this week, but in 3rd grade I was REALLY into marine archaeology and the guy who found the Titanic, Bob Ballard, was a personal hero of mine.

That fucking dump truck…

Hey! Thanks to Hyundai it was possible to buy a brand new car for less than $10k in the 21st century! Of course, it was a KIA Rio… Without air conditioning. In Oklahoma, which means we didn't sell it until they made me put in an AC unit. Which drove the price above, aww forget it…

Actually, mostly hydraulically powered practicals.

Stepdad works at the Post Office routing center maintaining the sorting machines.

$1500 worth of PC components dropped on my front porch in a HUGE box with the Newegg logo facing the street. I about had a coronary.

Yesterday sucked so I think I made it sound worse than it is. She's been having a Wilm's tumor treated for the past few months, and had the removal surgery last week. This 4-year old has taken 4 months of chemo and a surgery with a smile, but the radiation hit her like a truck. the breathing tube in her nose freaked

My niece had her first radiation treatment this morning, so not today. I'll come back to this when I'm NOT watching the strongest members of my family lose it, because this does sound beautiful.

I've been playing the hell out of it. Right now I'm in the map editor trying to tune in-flow and out-flow of the river in my hometown. Because water runs on a simplified computational fluid dynamics model, it's fun to find the balance. You can go to terrain.party and find a grayscale heightmap of any place on the

I've always been a fan of Mr. Neeson, but every time a trailer for his action movies comes on, all I hear is:

The building is, but I think last I checked it was a bar/club thing. For a time it was really weird, it'd be open, then closed, then open… Ever since the city decided to focus its efforts on South Tulsa that whole area's been in decline.

And also formerly had a location in Tulsa, Ok.

I definitely would have killed myself, but it would be less an existential angst thing and more of a "That's a nice F/A-18 you've got there, former US military, and I HAVE put at least 10 minutes into consumer-grade flight simulators, so what's the worst that can hap-" *-Crater!*

In my mind, some time during the development of Breaking Bad, the words "Beer" and "Baron" came up in close proximity.