
Pfft. Amateurs.

Read an interview a while back that a lot of it was personal choice. Didn't want to be "Blockbuster Guy," among his foremost reasons.

God Dammit, World, take a fucking break, already!

Easy: Blade Runner that shit. ie: Keep it small. The replicants' plot doesn't lead to a huge societal change, or a universal reevaluation of that society's conceptualization of the replicants. It was one man (yes, man) and one artifically created yet eventually wholly human "man" in the end both having their epiphanys

Or the scene where the car behind wrecks, inexplicably picks up kinetic energy from nowhere to overtake and crash into the faster car ahead!

Just do what Steve Mcqueen did: Actually film a goddamn Le Mans race. No cgi powerslides, minimize off-track drama and rely on the fact trying to navigate 1,000+ lbs of aluminum and carbon fiber around twisting tracks at speeds over 160mph and entering corners while enduring 2+ G's from braking is pretty dramatic on

"Last fucking straw, you're out from under my goddamn roof, Internet!"

Well, of course Evil Lincoln would look at Angelus and sneer, "Pfft… amateur."

My dad told me a few minutes ago. I was hoping he'd fallen victim to another celebrity death rumor.

Looks like Nimoy passed away.

Juggernaut is great! Like my above post about Airport '75, I would always come in on the failed defuse scene every time it was on, but I actually made it a point to seek Juggernaut out to see the whole thing.

I swear, for a good long time in the 90's it seemed every time I turned on TBS it was right at the beginning of the helicopter-to-airliner transfer scene in '75. I've never seen any of these all the way through, but I've probably seen that bit a dozen times.

No! I draw the fucking line here! Dead milkmen were MY listless "play while closing the store til 2AM getting shouted at by the manager" soundtrack 12 fucking years ago! I just… can't…

Been a donor since I turned 16. Oklahoma made it easy on signup, so I always assumed if we did it that way, that's just how it's done.

"I don't know what's wrong with me,
I think I'm turnin' into a bug"

Step 1: Pull up a picture of Taylor Lautner on the internet.

I'll second the Magic Mike love. My wife and her friends went to see it in the theater, and she was genuinely unenthused about the outing, writing it off as eye-candy for frumpy housewives, but when she got back she told me it was way more than what was advertised. Knowing who made it, I was pretty keen to see it when

That's one of the reasons I'll always love Mann. His gunfights aren't "ratatata A-Team cheese". They're goddamn terrifying. Miami Vice gets a lot of shit, and some people I know say the end gunfight is boring, but seeing Flash -> Hit -> and only THEN hearing the boom shows a lot of mastery in managing blanks, squibs,

Dude was a straight up, terrifying wrestler. I'm perfectly comfortable with my un-substantiated belief that he did, at one, point, wreck some poor fool's shit.

Only problem with that would be the raining milk under stage lights. I've got a strong stomach but I'm pretty sure that would drop me the instant I smelled it. Mad respect to the actors and crew.