

What… The… Fuck.

Okay, the movie industry has officially crossed into "too bugfuck crazy for my comprehension," and this is from a guy whose grandfather was a tent-revival Baptist preacher.

Hail Santa!

Upvoted for deployment of the word "nary".

I was never that surprised he did as well as he did. He lived near me for the longest time, and one Halloween he came to the restaurant I worked at dressed as Garth Vader. A little on the nose, yes, but still great.

Closest I can get is "Cold Hard Bitch" by Jet. But, really, they tainted themselves once I hit the age of 20. When a friend of mine and I started dating freshman year in high school, every time I would pull up to her house to pick her up, without freaking fail, that song would be on the radio. Jokingly, it became "our

"If you wonder how folks read this shit,
And other artful facts,
Remember the target audience,
So you should really just relax"

And light-chucks!

"For fuck's sake, I didn't spend 6 years in a Korean POW camp to come home and listen to you bitch about a movie prop for a whole goddamned year before the movie comes out, Internet! Do you want to end up like the Jenkins' boy?! I heard he might make shift manager in 3 years at the Applebee's if he keeps his nose to

Far-right nutbars confuse the fuck out of me.

That actually makes a lot of sense. I'm not strictly complaining, it just always felt a bit off.

He never fucking said fuck! He would never fucking do that! Fuck!

The big thing for me was 200+ years after the war, and Moira sends you to a supermarket for scavenging? National Guard tents still standing from a triage center?

Wright flyer squashed under rubble. at the air and space museum. That's what did it for me. I loved them both, but for me FO3's world edges out NV pretty handily. City built out of aircraft scrap? Another in an Essex aircraft carrier that broke up on beaching? Good stuff.

At least they weren't endangering kids with reckless discharge of a radio handset.

"Come on down where we have m- -iles of cars!"

I'd be Libyan if I said I wasn't relieved to see this here.

Here, have one on the house!

So a few years ago, an Oklahoma Air Guard F-16 had a dummy AMRAAM fall off the rack, and make a 1 in a million shot on the junction box of a friend of mine's apartment complex.