
I dunno, there was a boy scout in my area, slipped and fell on an arrow some time in the eighties, lodged in his brain, terrible stuff.

I don't know why but the Tomahawk was always the coolest thing to me. Not from their performance in the show, mind you. They tended to just stand around on the deck shooting into space until they got blowed up real good, but there's something cool about basically turning an M1 Abrams into a mech.

This was Owasso in '05. What pisses me off most was in elementary school, I was that kid who would build homemade wind tunnels with differently shaped airfoils to demonstrate lift/stability, and honest-to-bob tornados like you see at science museums (those clear boxes with the vapor funnel in them) for science fairs.

Macross stuff is so jacked…

Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick…


As someone wiser here said once, "Super Creepy Rob Lowe is the only Rob Lowe."

You won't be surprised, so I'll express myself through music:

Fun fact: my state allowed my high school biology teacher to essentially teach biology for half a semester, than fuck off and then turn it into a creationist diatribe for the rest of the year. The churchies in the class could get out of the first part, but it took parental intervention to keep me from failing the rest.

"Literal interperetation of the bible that says the earth is 6,000 years old"/"Some mental gymnastics undertaken by one nut a few hundred years ago to prove something or other."

Hell, drive a moderately powerful racecar, or just a really fast Go-Kart. I love me the sweet embrace of a properly locked 5-point quick-release. I don't believe a car can be properly driven WITHOUT a seatbelt. Keeps the ass planted.

Pfft. Bring on the toys, whips, fuzzy restraints! Whatever it takes to get the motor revving! The guilt that goes with worrying I might be the only one getting off drives me batshit. I don't care if it takes a doo-dad that looks like Nikola Tesla invented it and requires me to wear full MOPP-4 gear, in a different

Indeed. That's the greater point I was trying to make, but I'm sure I mangled it with the anecdote.

I second (third?) what everyone's been saying here. It ultimately comes down to your call, all other factors be damned.

The tablecloth pull was one of my favorite moments in the series. So brief, hardly a sound, and even less comment. The laugh that shot out of me was half humorous and half incredulous reflex.

My wife is still torn up over Jimmy. Brave? Competent? Loyal?!

I'll show you one weird trick to be just like him, using this secret legal steroid. Trainers hate me.

That's an end goal. 3D printing has turned a lot of space infrastructure planning on its head. Part of the reason space elevators are so attractive are for lofting huge factory components spaceward, but the potential of micro production can't be discounted. It's entirely possible 3D printer have made space-based

More recent refinements to the warp bubble shape have got that mass/energy conversion to something about mass of the Voyager probe, but before anyone gets too excited, keep in mind an H-bomb can annihilate a city by converting just a few percentage points of a few kilograms of material to energy. 100% conversion of

There was a young lady named Bright,
Whose speed was far faster than light;
She started one day
In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.