
That's what runs through my mind every time these things come up. Someday, some ignorant person is going to destroy something of value, and the world at large will be largely unaware.

aw, maaaaaan…

"Who wants waffle?"

While eating a churroboros?

My wife and I have always agreed she's quite the looker. Then she did that Maxim-ish thing. Hooooooooly dayumn….

The reprise is always heartbreaking, when she finds the spell leftovers.

I, for one, am hoping Choo Choo leaves Harlan alive.

Any time people discuss putting squishy human bodies in close proximity to large pressure differentials my mind jumps to "Byford Dolphin" and I have to run to the nearest trash can.

Glad to know I'm not the only one that stuck with.

They're actually pretty great from what I could see and have heard second hand (was fixing the guy's aftermarket stereo, the truck itself was fine) I never got in to offroading, but they were based off the Trooper, and had an advanced (for the time) computer controlled AWD system with the same 3.5L engine as the

Yeah, they look exactly the same as in the movie, too. One of those weird futuristic designs that became immediately dated.

They got points for passing off the Isuzu Vehicross as a futuristic thingamabob. The first time one came into the first shop I worked at I did a Patrick Stewart triple-take.

No! Bad ape! Bad!

Justified, or GTFO

Why am I wearing watermelon on my feet?

Funnily enough I've been rewatching on Netflix every morning for the past week and just now hit S1's final episode.

A bit late to the party, but it seems like with Stark being this universe's Hughes, they're referencing the war-profiteering investigations of the immediate postwar environment, only in a world with super-soldiers, secret Nazi energy weapons developed from ancient alien tech that inspired Norse mythology, and other

The image of him lobbing the appendix like a hand grenade and the blast animation is probably one of my favorite Simpsons gags of all time.

I would really like to see a more in-depth look at that one. I don't have AmPrime but I've heard pretty positive things wherever I've looked. PKD has always fascinated me, both his work, and his biography, and The Man in The High Castle is to me one of his more interesting works, while at the same time being one of

You still wouldn't get a big ball of energy. There'd be a bright, picosecond flash and an intense burst of radiation. The gamma rays would vaporize exposed surfaces to a certain depth (not a lot), though ablative heat shielding would protect things well enough. Crews in unshielded vessels would absorb high levels of