
The big giggle factor for me is how scifi designers keep putting the command center in large, exposed structures "Because aircraft carriers". Actually, that big exposed thingy on a carrier? Glorified air traffic control tower. The CIC is buried deep in the ship for protection.

Circuit breakers, people. That is all.

Blast wave propagation isn't a thing in space, is why. The most devastating part of a terrestrial initiation is the volume of air displaced at high velocity, creating that tree-bending, house stripping, jeep-flipping footage from those old DoD videos. In Spaaaaaaaaace! It the heat radiation vaporizes a quantity of

I've never been all that affected by fucked up films. Until yesterday the thing that hollowed me out the most was "Threads". I think plausibility has a lot to do with what resonates with me.

Best I could manage in German I was "Ich trage keine hose gern"

Went on a snowboarding trip with a friend's church one year. The DVD entertainment for the bus ride included "Old School" and "Without a Paddle." Weird times, indeed.

When you're voiced by Phil Hartman, no amount of love for the sound of your own voice could ever be considered excessive.

"And the award, Best Musical Score, Animated Feature, goes to: Batman!"

God. Dammit. Y'know what? I'm still gonna make my post!

"A cornered Beef is more dangerous than a Jackal!"

I hit a home run when I added the package that got me the Smithsonian channel. Most of my recording space has been sacrificed to their programming. It was kind of refreshing, for example, that during the Kennedy assassination anniversary, they ran The Day Kennedy Died, which skipped all the conspiracy theory crap and

"I can do this all day! Because apparently I find repetitive activities SO CALMING!" or words to that effect. Need to get myself back to Netflix.

I was a bit glib when I mentioned that, and I was trying to offer the counterpoint that yeah, assholes of all stripes have, throughout history, been violent assholes, (there are violent militant freakin' Buddhists out there, for crying out lout) simply jumping into the "This side does this, so they're worse than this

And then there was that time a self-professed Christian nutjob blew a government building half to hell in my state capital and took a dear friend's aunt/legal guardian with it. That was fun.

B is fairly common. Not a lot of fatalities, but this comes up a lot when older guys who co-own racing teams around where I live pass away. There'a always a case over where the team assets go, since it rarely gets explicitly spelled out beforehand.

Assumed this would have been one of the first comments on here.

Jesus Fuck, that episode. Unfortunately coming to Deadwood late, I had been warned what was coming and I had to put it off for a few weeks before I manned up to watch it. I think the people watching on first run were simultaneously lucky and cursed that they just had thay dropped on them. Short of shutting the TV off

"A very Wire Christmas 2: Omar saves Santa!"

Every time I think of these assclowns I'm reminded of the great poet Vork: "Women. Can't live with 'em,
They do not like me."

"How do you be a good soldier in a shitty war?"