
I always forget they were thinking small, .15kt sub-tactical devices. Some of the projections had them able to move a million-ton vessel with about 1000 bombs. With on-orbit assembly, that's about the best future I can hope for for the world's arsenals some day.

If it goes to series I'll give it a shot. Generic name aside, they had me when they started talking about "The Crisis". From a sociological point of view it's pretty interesting. Also, Stokes's story was handled pretty well, so far. That actor probably nailed his character better than anyone once he got off the ship.

With Orion payload considerations were pretty much irrelevant. With a couple big booms you could punt the USS Nimitz into orbit pretty efficiently. There was just that whole, "blasting into space on a daisy chain of nuclear hellfire" problem. To me, I still don't think the ship is big enough to have a sustainable food

Never took a film class, and I always dismissed the 4:3 conversion to 16:9 whinging as people who had wanting to show off that fact

I preferred Gerald Lk Smith's cooler, harder-partying cousin: Andred WK Smith.

And here I'd almost convinced myself I'd hallucinated that. Back to therapy for me!

But you can't use cancer or heart disease to hypothetically justify dropping a bomb to "halt the spread", so who cares?

Never mind that even after Ebola has its greatest run in history, both Malaria and West Nile are just going to smile and pat it on the head like the viral equivalent of the fat kid who finally broke a 4-minute hundred meter dash. Then Influenza is gonna give the other two wedgies and drive off with their girlfriends

We in the trade call that "hypergolic"

Anything over 20 exists only to kill player characters. Ban assault dice today!

Of course you'd say that! You have the brainpan of stage coach tilter!

Pfft… Next you'll tell me my heavy investment in a South African Phlebotinum mining operation was a poor business decision.


"That'll do, Internet. That'll do."

We leave absolute certainty to Scientific "Laws" and it's a hell of a slog to get there. There's always the chance a "Theory" could break down under some future repeatable experiment (IE: classical dynamics goes absolutely apeshit once you get near an appreciable fraction of the speed of light or under extreme

And as I understand it, that gunfight comes down to Quantum Theory = measurable and observable, String Theory, Brane Cosmology, or Supersymmetry as explanations for observations in Quantum Dynamics, not so much, and we may end up with a combination of all three, or none at all, which is all exciting as hell for a geek

Magnetism is just a theory! They can't explain how they work!!!

Broke-ass aerospace engineering major offers a sincere, "Here, here!" I'll be fine so long as I can survive the next two years on a nutritious all-carbs diet afforded me by a luxurious intake of all the Ramen I can conceal under my coat on the way out of the supermarket…

The first time I saw this that was what stood out the most, but I caught this during the marathon a few weeks ago and dear god this thing was bleak as hell for a married 28-year old me. I always thought Kirk was a loser, but yeesh, that dinner takedown of Luanne that went mostly over my head as a kid solidly cemented

The one near me in Tulsa still has, and uses, its original ad reels from '51, which is pretty cool. In 2010, though, we got to find out just how fast 50+ year old timber will go up in flames. Because of the age and construction they hadn't been able to get insurance since the 80's so it was looking like they wouldn't