
From the age of 20 until about 2 months ago when I went back to college full time, I've spent the past 8 years as a mechanic dealer-certified at various times on Isuzu, Suzuki, Kia, Subaru and General Motors at one dealer, to just Nissan at the second, and I'll pour out some unabashed admiration for these guys. I

Watching the LT fall apart like that was some seriously bracing stuff. I was always ambivalent on his character but that was just rough.

Yup. Me and my dad had followed from season 1 and there was a collective what. the. fuck?! On that break.

My biggest issue with the series was the very beginning of Dead Space 2. I was walking carefully, checking corners, looked right: clear. Looked left, clear. Take one step forward, game siezes control and yanks the camera left so a MONSTER CAN GRAB YOU FROM THE RIGHT AND SCREAM IN YOUR FACE!!! XTREEEEME!!!

Notes name carefully.

Homer, when you get home tonight, there's gonna be a new story on your house.

Even in weightlesness maneuvers would still cause G-forces, so I always handwaved that away as in a super brutal sustained yaw (which I assumed is what they were talking about. Putting the equivalent of your afterburner on a pedal would just be… unwise) the force needed to keep the pedals pinned would be immense.

I didn't get my Earthbound cartridge until I was about 18, and I still haven't found the time to really attack it. I will award the finest upvotes in all the land to the person who can find me a working ROM of Terranigma, though.

I'm going to have to second that. Best contender would be final boss fight music, but that's a pretty obvious choice.

I still have my SNES and cart and make a point to play through at least once a year, and my fondest memories of this game are always the smaller quests.

I will not fear…


Cold Equations + Dorky, totally self-oblivious me in 10th grade English class in the middle of Oklahoma = huddling against the desk hiding my face, waiting for the bell to ring me out while everyone did their best to pretend they weren't noticing me. Best part? We never got assigned that story. I used to read all the

Oded Fehr… I've said it once, I'll say it again.

It was really out of left field when my dad offered to take me to see it when it came out. As others have mentioned, apart from the uncomfortable political subtext, that would have to be one of my favorite moviegoing experiences, ever.

Read this article… Punch title into cable search… Episode starting in 10 minutes on ENCW. Very fortuitous, I believe.

There are times I'm glad this isn't on Netflix. My GPA would never survive.

Spent my high school years in the trenches working at Bueno. Casa hasn't made it this far "north" yet.

Looked like Anya too. Nope. I'm fine. It's just year-long allergy season where I live. Just gimme a minute.