
Well, my real dog in the real world heh. There are quite a few videos that give a pretty good idea of the game, though the rate your character burns calories is pretty frustrating.

Until it gets its own post, anyone playing The Long Dark? Inaccuracies of wolf behaviour aside it's been quite a brutal game so far. Really manages atmosphere perfectly, since it's 80 degrees out and I feel like I'm freezing while I'm playing it. Also not cool: when your Malamute starts howling at the ice cream man


That's honestly a consideration in theoretical warp physics. Say I warped to Mars from Earth. Conservation of momentum says I'd carry the same velocity on the exact same vector as I had when I initiated warp, requiring a huge burn to capture into a stable orbit.

Nothing like unloading a few rounds of coinshot into Caesar's face. Render unto, indeed.

Start with Tahiti.

I'm wholly unashamed to say I want to build a '92 Wrangler to look like one of the park's vehicles.

Hey! Justified got Jim Beaver! For like, a goodly chunk of one season and the largest part of another!

I still love me some Tombstone for slightly pulpy Western awesomeness, but Unforgiven is a stone-cold classic.

Unrelated genre, but I commiserate. My wife has gotten us to go see Guardians of the Galaxy three times (free tickets for the last two). First time: dude on cellphone to my left and theater lighting that didn't correctly shut down. Second time, we took my youngest sister and I made the bold prediction that moments

Seconded. Sadly no one recognizes when I shout about Floyd-holes.

Submitting my resume. Why, yes, I can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in my eye.

Is there a "Jack White Trash-Talked (______)" template headline you guys have? May come in handy.

Seems every movie I've gone to see this year has had a preview of this at the beginning. The overwhelming memory I'm going to have of this film I'll never seen is some pretty-boy's overly dramatic self-serious drop into a 3-foot deep freight elevator to unnecessarily threateningly introduce himself to the main kid.

I am sympathetic to the technical challenges that force initial releases to be so barebones, but sweet baby Yeezus is that a steep price of admission.

Batman: TAS was appointment viewing when I was a kid. For several years my routine was: get off the bus, run into the house, thunk my backpack into the corner, and fire up the TV and settle in. It makes my head spin seeing the current DC universe. The Goddamn Batman became rightfully mocked for a friggin' reason,

Jumping in to beat a dead horse, but the way I see it the undoing of the DC franchises will be this: DC is making movies for adult comic fans (it thinks). Marvel is also making superhero movies for adult comic fans, but they're movies adult comic fans can take their kids to, as well. I grew up watching the Reeves

This. I recently ended my employment as a dealership mechanic to hurtle through the home stretch and finish my engineering degree. I gave my all, left on great terms (always nice hearing your multiple bosses say the door is always open) and my wife and I have some cushion while I find a part-time job. The hardest part

It's actually pretty sophisticated. The Reaper player has 5 tokens they have to hide and the Alliance players have to conquer the planets the tokens are on to find The Crucible and win, while Cerberus has to conquer a set number of planets. The Reapers have to kill all the things to win. Throw in ship modifers and

Rome 2 is playable, you just have to retrain a lot of Total War habits, and the tutorial can be vague, while dragging on forever. I've got every TW game ever made, and if huge armies of melee troops are your thing it's worth it.