
It's the first pen and paper RPG i've ever played, but my older sister and her husband have played for years, and my wife, me, and my other two sisters and their significant others are the first regular game they've had in a while. To say they've taken to it with gusto is an understatement.

I meant to add Pandemic to my list. My younger sister and her fiancee got it for me for my birthday and they had no idea what a home run they hit. I inteoduced a house rule where if you're in a city when an outbreak hits you have to roll higher than a three or you get infected. You have 3 turns to get higher than a 4

The fact I understand your last sentence makes me feel safer about my previous post, heh.

An ex and her family taught me to play Dominoes correctly (who knew the real game didn't involve standing them up and knocking them over!) and I was super into that for a while. Lately the wife has been ruining me at every permutation of RISK, original, Mass Effect, Dalek Invasion included because I am like William H

Reprint Xenoblade, anyone? I found a factory sealed unit for just what it cost brand new and have been playing it off and on (My house got invaded by a Glacier White PS4 Tuesday so I've found non-college study time disappearinf into that) and I'm not sure what the hell I'm seeing, I just know I having a blast!

But everyone panned Other M! That means people don't want more Metroid, not that they made a garbage game in a great series, right guys?

Two words: Thrall Swarms

If it were set in a fancy hotel we'd have a scene shot down the hallway of Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks chasing Vandals and Dregs into one door, out another, down the hall, then a guy in a gorilla suit and inexplicably lingerie clad showgirls joining the chase.

I think you got closer, there, to what I was trying to say.

Biggest negative for the eventual outcome as far as I was concerned was I was a little pissed they had this badass woman fighter pilot and made her go moon-eyed over basically her most effective combat partner. I can allow Lee's hopeless infatuation, but it fell into that realm of fiction where a woman in a badass

I love these episodes but I always wondered why a warship that stores its water just under the primary armor layer didn't have subsectioned tanks.

So gradually I hardly even so on and so forth…

Even Discovery Science is on thin ice. They're on a UFO obsession, and most of their shows worth watching are on Netflix.

That needs to replace the tree in a forest exercise.

Being super rich probably kinda makes it better, though.

I always thought the best workaround would be to have it not be 100% infectious. Like the body has a defense against the virus, but most of the time it fails, but it succeeds often enough the solution to "John got bit!" isn't just Boom! Headshot! Scene o' mourning. And maybe they start fast, but as the body breaks

My wife and I's go-to encapsulation of the post-Palin GOP has been to don that creature's shriek and say "I'm not saying Obama eats babies, but he does have teeth, so ya gotta wonder…"

Haymakers for some, miniature American flags for others!

I'm inclined to agree, however, on the other hand, Die Lorelei. Obviously will never be like any of the Romance languages, but hearing that poem in its native tongue almost pulls it off.

That's some haunting stuff there. A whole town, untold futures, all indirectly destroyed by some idiotic spat among one family. (Speaking of how to at least one degree or another, the sovereigns of England, Germany, France, and Russia were cousins)