
Top Gear is done.

Yeah, probably hustling, stealing, pimping, breaking into stuff, selling drugs. You know, the stuff black people do to survive in the US. You know, because they don’t have jobs!

So she loaned Tyga a black guy 2 million and expects to see it back? Muahahahahah.... BWahahshahhaahaha!

Thats probably due to your low IQ and being entertained by keys jangling in-front of your eyes LOL.

> I am very disappointed in the lack of Reality Television

She is 24. That kinda says it all really. This generation is positively crap. I wish they all died in a great flood already!

Oh it’s Hillary right there. Nooooooooooo she won the election. HHEEEEEHHUUUUHEHEEEEEEE *BREATHE*. Oh it’s right there Trump did.

Being a software developer. I built a bot to scrape craigslist Gay ads.

Bernie. Your supporters want it. Run as an independent!

What I find the most interesting. Clinton couldn’t beat Obama.

Yes it is and he was amazing in Lost as well.

“What goes on in my bedroom is none of your business!”

Holy crap, digging deep into your DB and regurgitating old stories sure is a way of paying off the hulkster!

My pit is filled with all the gawker employees and hogan standing on top laughing... weird!

I predict this sort of thing may bite the car makers in the ass, but a big win for the likes of Google / Uber / Tesla. Here’s why.

Ha. 20 years ago maybe. The American would have won. Now with feminazism winning the day. Too much low-T!

This girl is goddamn gorgeous. What the fvck are these managers doing?

I think in the future. Games should come with “play the game as“ options. These would be:


I generally laugh at the millennial generation. So many willing to get married, but I find the Men more tolerant than Gen-X or Birthers for the low hanging fruit in Dating.