
Torrent uploader > Gawker employee.

Wow you guys are really pushing out these deals quickly!

Wow you guys are really pushing out these deals quickly!

Of course. Never mind the affiliate commission you guys make on this.

Of course. Never mind the affiliate commission you guys make on this.

Yes because he looks like a total douche and fag. It’s about time we had a FAG in the whitehouse. Maybe he’ll turn it PINK when he starts his term. Appropriate for the millennials today. The PINKHOUSE.

> Somewhere, tonight, EA’s marketing team is dying.

I go to party, have fun, catch the eye of a very tipsy girl who drops lots of hints, back to her place, jump into the sack, have very freaky sex because she’s more open to it, wake up before she does, leave!

> This dude can’t even take a company public because he can’t fathom the notion of relinquishing even a bit control over his endeavors.

Well, I am black (/s). I want free education, free welfare, free disability, free cell phone, free car, free food stamps, free housing, free money, free ipad, free.... oh and I’m never ever going to get a job and pay for it. I’ll have 10 kids and you’ll give me free money for that.

Diversity, where in America it truly is a race to the bottom!

Why isn’t the family being called out for being dumb asses?

different sex moves, including oral and anal.

Here is the thing. “C” would fall suddenly down a flight of stairs.

Feminazis make me laugh. You attack the weak. That’s right, in US, UK, some parts in Europe. You cry, whine, moan, and brow beat men into getting what you want.

You would have thought, seeing as #blacklivesmatter that a black person would want to talk about healthcare. seeing as black peope in general are the ones who don’t have health insurance, due to not being able to afford it.

I’m a trump supporter. But damn, I want bernie to trounce clinton, so baaaad!

Looks like shit. Kanye is shit. That. Is. All.

Ha, I was going to say something similar. No sympathy here! Millennials huh? They are a very stupid bunch!

Wasn’t it the British company DeepMind (owned by Google) that beat a Go champion? Oh wait... The Brit tech industry is doing just fine thank you!

Good. Shes a fat fvck and I don’t want to see her fat face when I watch!

I think the old lady in the photograph was about to expire and her long time dream was to be featured in a gawker rag!