
Recently resurrected half Targaryen sperm cures all.

If the show ends with the three dragons playing cards all alone in the world with no men/women/white walkers alive, I'll be happy. Put me on #teamdragonsplayingpokerforthewin

You get a nice big bowl of Garmonbozia of course!

I'm certainly not a troll. I love David Lynch. His work spoke to me very early on in my film watching life. This is bad Lynch. Really bad Lynch. It feels like some of you are fluffing him in these talkbacks, but I agree that my take is my take. It just reads like you're all watching a different series than me, a

You get it. And yeah, I'm surprised the week off didn't get an "A++".

Sounds like I hit a nerve which only happens because you secretly know I am right.

I enjoyed Nadine as a superhuman cheerleader. Especially when it led to Ed being free of her which we were all rooting for.

I don't think they are phonies or idiots. I think they are plucking at crumbs to find gold here. There's a difference. Those of you who "get it" keep enjoying it. As a Lynch fan, this is not working for me at all.

You can put me in the group of people who thought after the killer was revealed in S2 the show remained very good. I really enjoyed that latter section of S2 without the Laura Palmer mystery hovering over it. This feels nothing like that. This is scattershot and irrelevant so far. He's not doing "double beats". He's

When Lynch turned these episodes into Showtime they must have seriously all looked at one another and said, "whoops".

I think there are people who would love 3 episodes of watching Jon and Davos travel to Dragonstone and meet minor characters along the way. These are the same people who flipped out that Tom Bombadil wasn't in the Lord of the Rings films.

You're luck you got 1 direwolf in the episode. They shot the wad on that ship battle.

There's a story here they're trying to finish that's related to the Twin Peaks universe? You sure about that?

While I love that Twin Peaks is back in a sense, I have my nitpicks. The Dougie stuff has gone on long enough. It's no longer interesting or entertaining. Lynch dragging this out is frustrating. If that's what he wanted to achieve, he did it, but I don't have to call him brilliant for it. At some point the story has

I fully realize that and I still wanted him to win. It's the brilliance of the series that they convinced me what Walt was doing was right.

It was hard watching Jimmy manipulate Irene like that. Put me in the camp of one of the people who cheered for Walt and was with him no matter what he did — I felt that the manipulation of Irene felt worse for me than anything Walt ever did because Walt was always threatened by others in the drug game when he would

If the series does not continue then it's all moot and that last shot is just an ambiguous ending showing them ending up happily ever after or something.

Um, no we don't.

I felt like the entire season, for the most part, was an enjoyable fantasy. There was very little real to this season outside of Thanksgiving and the fight with his Mom over pork. I enjoyed it, but it does feel quite far fetched whereas the first season felt more organic. Even him falling into a plum TV job that

If they wanted to write it so Dev can come off being a hero in that moment his response would've been that he has heard the allegations and Jeff is his friend and co-worker, but if he did these kind of things to women than he can no longer be associated with him and hope he gets some help. There was a track there to