
The Arnold stuff is pretty insufferable. The fact that his behavior is influencing a generation of people who watch this is kind of scary. I've had conversations with 30-somethings who now walk around doing the big bud/little bud schtick.

I think my biggest issue with this movie and Prometheus is we've lost the small moments that hook you into the character. I'm just not connecting with the characters in these. They feel like afterthoughts. I'm missing the moments between Ripley and Newt, Ripley and Hicks. I'm missing Hudson being a fool and a coward

Sarah comes off slightly dim — she's not dim at all mind you, but she comes off that way so it gives the others a false sense of security/superiority over her. She also doesn't force her way in alliance votes like Andrea did with Zeke. She's playing beautifully right now — her best move would be to convince everyone

Ozzy should stop playing. There's no way he can ever win this show. At the end of the day he's too much of a challenge threat to ever keep around and go to the end with. No one could beat him in a final tribal if he made it there. I know he loves playing the game, but if he really is in it to win the game, he never

Personally, I value a sense of completion and this just felt like a story about being a young mother and that just didn't fit into the thematic universe of what this show was about. It felt like a real left turn, but not in an exciting way. We've seen enough young mom learning her way stories before — there was no new

Or that she suddenly became a mother when she encountered the teenager in the street. Felt pat to me.

Definitely felt like student workshop kind of plotting. But Apatow loves telling baby and motherhood stories as a metaphor for something larger. I wonder if Dunham really wanted the pregnancy angle or was it cheer-leaded to her. I also wonder if she wanted Hannah to get an abortion which, to me, would've felt organic

I go back and forth on it all the time too. Six Feet Under is the gold standard of how you wrap it up and tell a complete story.

Yeah, it might've felt more organic to call it a series after last week. This made the show more about Hannah and less about anyone else. It comes back to the idea of why call it Girls when it's really about one girl in the end.

She should probably take a break from writing for a few years and build up some new experiences. I think she ran out of steam here.

Honestly? When you're on a network with series like Six Feet Under and The Sopranos who both stick the landing at the end the bar is very high. This felt, to me, like they had no idea how to end this. Other than her Mom's zingers, this was a sleepy end to a series that shifted from really interesting to really vapid

This. The setup/payoff made absolutely no sense. It felt to me like a gay man who looks down on Trans people. It was horrifying.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head about what happened last night. What I want to hear from Probst is that CBS and the show offered to edit this out and Zeke insisted they leave it in the episode, otherwise they are all complicit in what Varner did at tribal. I don't want to hear, "it's reality and we have an

I'm betting they make Tara and Rosita a couple next season.

With Darabont at the helm, it started out brilliantly. It was 2 steps above pulp zombie schlock.

All the points and a DVD copy of Walking Dead cast and producers all telling us how talented of an actor Coral is and how he teaches them about acting.

Insert Chris Hardwicke in a jester hat jumping up and down on a coffee table after reading this response.

What we're going to learn next season is the Kingdom made soap for the Saviors as part of their trade deal and it was special soap so Shiva could distinguish bad guys from good guys to explain how the tiger knows who to eat.

If they can just give Ezekial more Henry V style monologuing next season I'll let anything slide. I want a monologue when someone asks him if he'd like a pear. I want him to describe his bowel movements in sonnet form.

He rivals Theon Greyjoy as the worst leader of a military group on TV.