
It would be a great moment next season for Carol to bring up Lori to Rick and he doesn't remember her. Then they spend an entire 10 minute act of her trying to remind him who she was since he can't remember while the Turtles "Happy Together" plays in the background. She can even draw a spectacular photo-real picture

They gave her character more bonding moments and chemistry with Bob. If you're going to do the whole dead people help her cross over tired trope, bring back the one's who actually meant something to her. The shoe horning of her with Abraham is just puzzling.

Spoiler. They also wear hefty bag underwear.

It's all style over substance.

I really hope they are not bringing in a player next week who hasn't been on the island all season as a twist. I know Probst has this love affair with all things Cochrane and if that fool gets off the boat to change the game I'll be pissed.

Wait. Debbie worked at Red Lobster?

That's the team to watch out for because I think Sandra knows that no one will give Michaela the million vs her. They just better hope Varner sticks with them at the merge and they have the votes.

Sandra played JT like a fiddle. It was pretty cool to watch.

Gotta think her and Cirie are going to target one another at the merge since they both kind of play a similar game.

Best line of the season.

That tooth pulling scene was the most I've ever laughed at a network sitcom.

I predict the season finale will consist of an hour of closeups of Rick squinting like he's sees something intercut with Negan's eyes widening. That's it until a big master shot at the end that shows they were really standing in front of each other before credits roll and Hardwicke orgams on screen.

I'm sure they made it a point to discuss Coral's brief moment on Talking Dead and how Chandler Riggs is just killing it on the show and teaching veteran actors about acting.

I'm not sure what was heroic about watching Rick's group steal guns from a camp filled with women and children. Oh, they did it nicely? Great.

This is without a doubt one of my favorite shows on TV. Incredible season and Louis Anderson deserves all the trophies. I actually enjoy his performance more than Jeffrey Tambor's in Transparent.

JT really screwed the pooch by crossing lines at tribal. If he just sat still, Sandra would've been out. I'm not exactly sure I even understand why he would cross over to Brad to caucus and then still vote Sierra with the other 5 in his new tribe. Once you go whisper to Brad at tribal, you're basically out of your

I think she's playing too ballsy, but that may be her strategy since everyone knows her "as long as you're not voting for me" strategy. She's definitely playing like a boss and I think the thought that the jury won't give a 2 time winner a 3rd win is so off base. If she makes it to final tribal, it'll be a coronation.

She really is JK Simmons in drag. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

The only thing that can make gay Jesus exciting on the Walking Dead is him dancing in a cage wearing a pair of gold lame football pants with no shirt while blowing a whistle along to techno music.

My wife & I can't quit Walking Dead yet because of spoilers leaking if we hold off watching it. Last night we were about 20 minutes into Walking Dead and were seriously considering stopping it and going to BLL.