
I think it would just be a tag on a series finale that allowed them to come back with a new cast in a different time period if they ever wanted to. Whether it's 80 years later or 8000 years later, they end the series by saying death and winter is coming again.

I'm guessing they kill The Night King, the army of the dead he created all fall apart and we think our heroes live happily ever after.

His look doesn't play well at the beach. He needs the aid of turtlenecks and dark lighting.

I had to hit pause and openly weep when Andy was sucked into the vortex. And when he picked up the woman with no eyes my soul soared and I heard whispers in the wind. When I saw Bobby Briggs stand on a tree stump I had to be strapped to my bed out of pure emotion. And then when Monica Bellucci showed up in black and

Littlefinger keeps him chained up like The Gimp.

Cersei wanted Gendry dead. I'm sure he and Dany will be fine especially if she learned he grew up poor not knowing who he really was, etc.

I mean, they have some Giants now but short of that the Night King is going to have to unleash something I don't think we've yet seen.

Everyone is very expensive who is doing this show that has been on it for a long time.

There's no stakes to 2 zombies fighting each other.

I tend to think this won't happen because if the Hound is dead it takes away a lot of the satisfaction that moment would provide. Him being a brain dead zombie who just wants to kill the living feels off for some reason story wise.

Might've been a nice scene to have her put Jon on Drogon with her to fly above the army of the dead and verify it although then they don't get to do the Fellowship of the Ring shots they have all set up for next week with the Dirty Dozen.

They've stopped paying off what they set up. They're just racing to the finish now.

But wouldn't you try flying three fire breathing dragons over the army of the dead and lighting them on fire first before bringing your enemy in for what's left of her mostly gone army?

I asked that question last night to friends because I thought I was too excited and missed something and no one really knows why the plan is to bring proof to Cersei? It makes no sense.

There was a moment in the Battle of the Bastards that I thought Jon might die. Really, I did. I thought the episode might end with him being trampled to death because how Red Wedding of a finish would that be?

Can someone explain to me why they need to show Cersei a Wight? I'm not following that logic at all.

It would certainly be great if what pulls Jamie out of the river is Drogon who then bites him in half and spits out the gold hand which Bronn quickly catches and races off with.

I don't know why Tyrion would be so quick to help Bronn again after he was bought off by Cersei and Tywin to not face the Mountain in the battle by combat. I see them setting up conflict for Tyrion, but him feeling loyalty to Bronn at this point feels like a reach. Jamie saved his life and defied the family in doing

1 hour per week for 7 weeks this year? You must be ripped!

Jon: I'm okay with that.