
For me, the Tarkin stuff worked great. It didn't pull me out of the movie. I was fully engrossed in the movie and they weren't dimestore level effects. You can't re-cast Fisher. That won't work. Putting Linda Blair or Stevie Nicks in the movie is a disastrous idea. I actually think fans would be most excited about CGI

The bigger question is are there artists out there still creating the content (screenplays, films, etc.) that aren't by the numbers quality. Yes, the studio system consists of a bunch of people who all read the same books about screenwriting who like to use a checklist of what's supposed to be in there. But every now

You guys think David would have owned up to creating the fake idol Jay used if he made final tribal? I think it's one of the greatest strategy moves the game has ever seen, but I wonder if that would've been applauded or scorned at a final tribal.

I did think that final vote was a bit sexist. Hannah got no credit for being on the right side of all the votes. I also think they treated Ken like he was a puppet with no brain. At the end of the day, he put David's torch out and it still cost him a million and votes. Would he have gotten votes for loyalty and being

I don't know, I feel like the show is trying too hard to show Frances had no idea how her representatives were going to hurt Robert (server, frozen account) to make her likeable. They are throwing a lot of grey area at those choices which honestly informed the choice he made to call the cops. I think her character

Thanks for not spoiling.

I don't know, I think he wanted Rick killed.

Ok. I'll buy this.

I don't think there is compelling reason to reintroduce Tara because there wasn't a compelling enough reason to have her around.

Ok. Good to know and thanks for not spoiling. They're going to great lengths to make him likeable. They can't be that daft.

That's fair. He has said that. But why did Spencer pay the price then?

No, only internet tough guys who claim all people who criticize this show are frustrated losers who couldn't write their own show if they tried.

I think you should be equally self impressed. You have this message board trolling thing down to an art. I'm going to allow you to enjoy having the last word in 3-2-1

Well I'm drinking coffee and Xmas shopping too. Am I allowed to do that or should I be outlining and putting index cards up on the cork board all day?

Looks like I hit the right chord.

I've been pretty vocal that the writers here don't payoff their setups. That Tara episode infuriated me as that was a nothing character who they put minimal development time into other than making her a lesbian and telling us she liked soda. If that episode at Oceanside was about Michonne or Maggie landing there, it

Exactly. Maggie and Daryl needed a scene or moment like Leia and Chewie never received. I mean, this is obvious stuff that's easy to write because you've set this stuff up in the past. The fact that they just blow past the payoff of their set up is a head scratcher.

It's the WGA and yes.

No one commenting here is expecting them to because most of us are intelligent enough to know these episodes were in the can 6 months ago. At one point many of us thought this was a very well done show which is why we're still here. Criticising the execution of the writing and how it's slipped is part of being a fan.

God, I wish he tapped the fork to his chin before eating spaghetti now.