
Just wondering where the criticism bar lays with some of you who default to "if you don't like it, go write your own show!". It's akin to the wondeful "America! Love it or leave it!" retort.

That's interesting to me because I hated the Bolton's with a passion which I would call excellent execution. After the Red Wedding there was nothing Roose could do to win me back.

What if one of us complainers actually writes for films, has sold screenplays and is a member of the Writer Guild of America who has been honored by his peers a few times? Are you then entitled to complain?

Negan's the most interesting thing about the show right now without a doubt. I haven't read the comics (please no spoilers) but I assume they eventually defeat him. Then what?

I really was pulling for them to put a random extra eating cheese or something into that montage.

I think it's one of the worst hours on TV. Hardwicke must've made a deal with Satan. It's awful.

Just terrible execution in writing yet again. That Rosita gun moment combined with the hat tip to Spencer and her sharing a smile first before he gets gutted was excruciating.

Chandler Riggs Mom, ladies and gentlemen!

I was 1/2 kidding about "get him laid". I think my point was that there should've been more of a seduction to the dark side and more of Carl being "Wow. You have all this and they all listen to you?" and begin to fall into Negan's pocket. It's basically the plot of A Bronx Tale. Could've worked better than this.

I do think the show missed a chance to do something really daring and have Negan bash in Rick's head and assimilate and try to break down the group. It would have been interesting seeing some of them get charmed by Negan and some of their doubts about Rick as a leader being fleshed out (other than by Spencer).

I don't know about that - While Will was in that alliance of 5, he wasn't exactly IN that alliance of 5 with Zeke. It was clear he was on the outskirts of it, so his flipping is more a failure of Zeke, Brett and Sunday not making him feel vital than it is of Will's.

I think Ken got emotional and thinks he deserves the million for him and his daughter. He had a great game going being David's silent partner to the end where he may get the million because David pissed everyone off. I don't think Ken gets there now. The minute his victory was threatened, he turned into a brat and a

Ken just went from one of my favorites in the game to the guy I want everyone to laugh at when they vote him out. Holy crap did he fumble the ball last night. His game is now over. The fact that Will still voted with David's alliance is a testament to how arrogant Zeke's alliance got after one vote. Will saw he was on

He is so far in above his head it's not funny. The storytelling leaves so much meat on the bone. He has a completely myopic understanding of setup and pay off. The ratings protect him.

This show makes Girls look like a bad afterschool special which is frankly what it always was.

Michonne or Maggie (another woman grieving the loss of her man to Negan) made more sense. Hell, Rosita or Sasha made more sense than Tara. They all had backstory that were similar. If any of the above found the place and kept the secret, it would be stellar storytelling. Then, if we use this group later, it's that

I thought it was a great season and a devastatingly brilliant finale. I also think Lawrence, acting out of emotion and thinking with what's between his legs, will come back to bite him. He may be a baby daddy next season. How's that to complicate them getting back together so easily? I actually hope he and Tasha are

I pretty much hate watch the show now because I think the writing overall just sucks — that said, I thought last night's episode was the best of the worst of this season. That's not claiming it's great - just that it held my interest. I waffled from thinking this was a secret outpost of Negan's staffed by women who

That's how I recognized her. I was reading and heard the voice and looked up to find a cleaner, younger looking version of her on a house flipping show playing the sassy wife part to the serious husband.

Also, was watching HGTV or DIY this weekend and Sunday was on one of those house flipping shows with her husband. I think she's a reality TV pro. Kind of getting tired of reality tv pro's being cast on this show.