
It's been entertaining, but if it ends up being Brett, Chris and Sunday in the end it will be a dud of a season for me.

What he should've done is NEVER tell the guy who's "girlfriend" he blindsided he had it. He could've held it secretly and used it at a key moment and looked like a smart player. He looks like an idiot right now for telling Taylor.

The more loathsome he gets the more likely it is someone takes him to the end. He's passing David easily on the least liked player you want to go to the jury with. It might be a decent strategy if the person who brings him pisses off everyone else in the process.

Can Hannah chill with the hyperventilating at Tribal schtick? I don't believe for a second the show would put someone with panic attack issues this severe on the island no matter how much they want ratings. Her arc is all very contrived to me.

He can use it to give someone else a reward who "deserves" one insuring he gets their support and possible jury vote down the line. The worst thing he could do is use it for himself, unless it's to steal an advantage in an immunity challenge.

I think Ken is too lone wolf independent to win. That's a threat. He sticks to his word and judges fools for what they are. That's not a long term successful strategy unless you keeping ripping off Immunity Challenge wins the rest of the way. I like him though.

Dismal execution once again by this show. When they showed the arsenal they had at Alexandria, why didn't Rick prepare the town to blast them from the walls or the second they open the doors and kill Negan and as many of his followers as they could? They didn't drive up in tanks.

Great season and one of my favorite new shows. Adlon and that cast did spectacular work and kudos to Louie CK for championing this and writing some of it.

Except Rick is the star of the show and we all know where this is headed because of that.

I hope so. I really want Negan to have a Tony Montana like lair.

I think I was slightly underwhelmed with the compound the Saviors had. The show did a fantastic job showing us how big of a machine Negan had going for him in the finale from last season, but the set and setting and Negan's room all appeared a little small to me. I don't know what I was expecting, but the fake King

Michaela screwed up by showing them how far ahead she was thinking. The thing with the rocks was good, but she took it too far to the end and should've just went to when they merge. She was a tough smart player who played a little too hard early. I'm pretty sure we'll see her again and I think her gameplay will be

I'm getting there too. I actually dozed off during last night's episode. It's all rinse and repeat. Yeah, I get it, we see a new town with a charismatic leader, but anyone with a brain knows the season is about setting up the rebellion against Negan led by Rick uniting all these towns. I feel like I've already seen it

This. If the show lurched into camp territory, it might be tolerable. Their pretending they are doing Six Feet Under or Greys Anatomy is just ridiculous.

I felt nothing last night and the mournful wake of a talk show after was a joke. Watching a d-list comedian attempt to counsel a fan base lasted all of about 2 minutes before I watched Westworld.

I'm big on these conspiracy theories because sometimes the camera guy pans to the idol location before the contestant discovers it. If I were a contestant, I'd make the camera guy follow me all around camp and see if they pan and focus on something other than me. I honestly think productions decides who to tell where

I agree. He knew he was safe when he played it for Jessica and not himself. That gives him a minimum of 2 safe votes last night's and the next tribal he goes to. I understand him wanting to get the numbers in his own tribe, but relying on Jessica to be grateful enough to trust for the next votes was a bit silly. The

There's something slightly likable about Sarah being a trainwreck that isn't there for Alli for me. I can't stand Alli. Sarah, I go from hating to liking in the span of a few seconds.

I also noticed the different director names from episode to episode - I do think it lacked a stylistic throughline. Usually, at the end of the episode I see the benefits of all the specific set ups that have paid off. It felt more like they were linking things broadly than specifically this year.

A few things; This is really not a comedy and shouldn't be classified as one.