
God no. I'm honestly sick and tired of growing nostalgia for terrible movies that flop thus bringing them back for another go round while other talented artists can't get their shit through the development meat grinder that is the motion picture industry.

I loved it. I also want to give credit to the Duffer's, Levy and Dan Cohen who I've met with on projects in the past. As a writer, I would've been scared shitless to reference classic moments from other films as directly as they did. I would think the studio readers would slap my hand for that kind of stuff and pass

Just realized something pretty cool — all of Ned's apprehension in killing Targaryen children in season one with Robert just got paid off big time. He's been protecting one since the day his sister died and he took Jon home. This makes a lot of his season one choices even more profound.

I've been fairly critical of the past few episodes, but man did they stick the landing last night (with the exception of Tommen pun intended). That was a brilliant finale that worked on every single level for me. Yes, they wasted a lot of time this season that could've been more devoted to better story execution, but

I do think the show screwed up that moment by showing previews of the battle in the "next week on GOT" clips. If you hadn't seen that and known for certain there was a huge battle coming, it might have had some small dramatic effect on us thinking there's a chance we'll see bastard v. bastard for Winterfell.

I both agree and disagree with Myles McNutt here. I think his criticism is more my criticism of this season as a whole; The execution of the storytelling just feels too broad and simple. That said, it was a breathtaking episode, but they left a ton of meat on the bone. It almost feels to me like the creators just want

You're doing a lot more heavy lifting to justify this than the show did portraying it in my opinion.

They can easily explain her being brought back from the dead - they don't need to follow the book logic that he gives up his life for hers. He could've done a Melisandre on Cat and brought her back and she could be part of the gang.

I agree. Why would she need Little Birds to confirm wildfire. Would they even know what wildfire is?

Yeah, I thought it was something like The Sparrow likes the company of little kids or something. I can't imagine it's going to be more creative than that based on the simple choices they've been making this season to move the plot.

It was a double beat. They had done that awkward scene with them the three of them before. Nothing was gained from it story wise.

I'm not going to say the writing is "off the rails", but the writing is clearly "off". The execution on the Arya and Riverrun sequences are especially troubling. When you leave a sequence and immediately wonder, "why did we take this detour?" it's a problem. I also think the fact that the viewers are coming up with

I agree. I think Neal annoyed people when he was in the game. I don't think they looked at him as some influential power broker. Michele chose correctly though since he and Joe were Aubry's sure things and Joe wouldn't attack her at the final tribal.

Very disappointed to see a season end with a winner crowned by a bitter jury who chooses likeable over gameplay. Aubry deserved the win and ran that game. Michelle got hot at the end and won a million. It is what it is, but I'm wondering if it's time for an impartial jury to decide the winner or something. Jeff will

You're not alone.

The ending was a big "meh" for me too last night. I'm not invested in Dany or Mereen other than her dragons. The wall and Ramsey is where all the action is for me with the White Walkers looming over everyone. They've even taken the teeth out of the Queen of Thorns being in episodes.

Totally agree with this. They actually would've had us all believe he was dead for that week and most of the finale because there wouldn't be all this on set spoiler crap that went on the past year. That said, I do think they wanted to give Martin a chance to release the book before the reveal and he didn't. At this

This is the only version of The Shining I support.