
I definitely read it with a V.

They have apparently misjudged the market. Perhaps what we should be doing is building TRACKS!

So, should I bother with the whole if-you’re-not-part-of-the-solution diatribe? Because I’m not recruiting for the cause.

Hold the phone! A high-mileage, limited-run spaghetti scoot I can never hope to find parts for? Lemme get my check-I mean crack pipe.

1.6 mil in gold and fucknut can’t disappear properly? I am disappoint.

Just A shot - I live an hour away. But I appreciate the notion that I would put thoughtful research in to NPOCP comments.

If This car is really in CT, the pictures have to be 6 months old because that’s how long it’s been since the temperature reached the reading on the dash. And no pictures of the underside? In New England? On a thirty-one year old Kraut car? Too little information to justify the money. It’s close, but I’m going CP.

This is a tax dodge. He doesn’t want to sell it. Watch.... He’ll spend a year throwing pretentious and expensive parties, bang dozens of the freshest flavor of his choice, then turn it into a write-off and graciously agree to live there.

Just what CA needs.... Airborne gonorrhea.

Don’t forget, Blue Thunder was nose-heavier than the Ayatollah.

.... And even more ridiculous than the original show (but not the episodes without JMV).

Hmm.... V8-6-4.. Perfect.

Can’t say I’m familiar with the implementation, but the concept of the law existing and no one seeing fit to remove it makes my bile rise.

Al Roker owns it.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Rotsa ruck with that. There are still 8 states where an atheist can’t lawfully hold public office.

I actually tried to watch it on Crackle a couple times to no avail. The only parts of any episodes I’ve seen were on YouTube. Perhaps now Crackle can give up it’s 21 gram’s. Finally.

Right for motivation, left for generation.

....unless you have a Toyota pickup.

Do tell... What wrong did he right?