
So...Bill Belichick had a press conference?

In all seriousness, combined with the lack of sex education in many public schools, this is going to create some fantastically strange answers to the, "Where do babies come from," question.

Did you notice that I made sure to mention that I got off the freeway well before Rockford?

This is worthy of outrage.

Jezebel: Finding outrage in stupid shit since...since...whenever they started.

Cause and effect, motherfucker!

Are you kidding? I always wear a bejeweled catcher's mask and feathers. Always.

A lot less of this would happen if retailers (especially Apple) would learn the magic of saying, "I'm sorry."

On I-90 in Illinois going west toward Rockford, a tuned car (I say this because with the aftermarket body panels and ground effects I could not tell what it was...maybe a Toyota?) was right on my ass even though I was doing 85 and the speed limit was 55 (this is just normal Illinois driving as ALL of the traffic was

Fat, smoking, alcoholic, pregnant women who eat cheese. The scourge of America.

That was great. And she can really do the crazy. I mean, there were parts where she scared me (2:28 - 2:39).

9:03 AM EST and ESPN still has no mention of this on their site.

Scenario 10: You just read an article by a woman who looks to be attractive from her tagline photo. You don't have her phone number and who knows if she ever reads her gawker e-mail?

What about Torx?

"Hereinafter known as "The Relationship"...

He was handsome enough to get away with it.

Outrage is in the eye of the beholder.

I would think this is a real thing if it didn't look like she was just making it up as she pranced along.

Someone think of the babbys.

You seem to have much more at stake here than a regular guy. Weird.