
Whoah, whoah, whoah.


Why are they always set up so that they can be navigated? I would think if you wanted security, would put them so that there were horizontal bars about 2" apart from floor to ceiling across the whole room. Do that in two spots. Your jewel is safe.

I started out as an incredibly handsome baby and now have a long, skinny squished head and am weird looking.

Thank you for adding to fuel the fire of my hatred for Mark May.

I love cake like...well, like a fat kid love cake.

My apologies.

At one time or another, every man has thought about acquiring Kim Kardashian's butt.

And I was able to post my most popular comment by riding your coattail.

And if there's anything hotter than having sex with a spouse who doesn't want to, well I don't know what it is.

Question: A big part of God's job is too punish sinners. Satan's main job is punishing sinners. Aren't they supposed to be at war?

As an adult you can fit four of them in your mouth at once.

He didn't take responsibility for the fight or the fact that he had two fake ID's. Why would the prosecution let those easily winnable charges drop. What do they think this is, college football?


Re: "curate" snippet: Oh my God, fashion speak. An item is presented. "Love!" Not "I love it." just "Love!". Like they're too busy to say those other two words. But when they don't like something, you get a 45 minute dissertation about why they don't like it. Because they are smrt.

That picture made me say:

Are you parked in a handicapped spot?

Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls are the best snack, anyway. *waits for the Philly contingency to bring up TastyKake*

If they turned those into lithographs, I would buy one.

That's even worse...they willfully moved to Florida.