Dick In A Bog

It has been wretched in the show so far and it focusing on characters so far on the periphery that it just seems completely pointless.

Despiet all the time we spend checking in there it's usually just jon looking sulky instead of building the other characters. The failure of this episode is a failure of laying ground work.

The problems I had with the episode had nothing to do with budget. Character moments and development are about as cheap as TV comes (expense wise).

They way characters interact on this show it's a crime to spend the lions share of an hour with just swords swinging by mostly nameless extras.

Yeah. Him not realizing it was grenn threw me for a loop. I though I had mistaken grenn dying for someone else. That said, the only reason it was grenn is because they hadn't written up any of the other characters (aside from pyp—- ohhhh). so they basically had to use him to have any impact. I dunno. It wasn't a

I like jon and I like kits portrayal of him. I still didn't think we needed the entire episode, especially since it wasn't the back half of the battle where shit really goes down. If they had started the battle earlier in the season (by not oh I dunno drawing out the behidn the wall wildlings bit) I think they still

Yeah honestly I like sam but he was killing it today "are they all dead?" "no…?" "well then keep shooting"

honestly having it a series of battle would have been so much more palatable, showing them wear down in a more believable way (so they have what, 15 people on the wall now after all the dead? and moletown doesn't appear to be showing up to bolster their numbers), prevent the entirely bizarre "Wall hoppers I guess got

Yeah. It was a good battle, but a battle without anything really stirring, to me. The icescyth was a good bit of awesome brutality, and made sense. Otherwise, I was dying for some good character interactions to get sprinkled in. and we even got some! sam and jon, sam and gilly, amon and sam,jon and alice… and

It felt very unlike how GoT likes to portray battle, but I think it was some fan pandering (which fans I cannot say. Probably tumblr).

I've liked him more ont he show,e ven though he's a huge shit. In the books his actions ake less sense, since it's like he's actively trying to hurt the potential of the watch than help. Trying to get slint elected being the biggest one. He's a noble lovin' sombitch.

I let out a bored "fuck yooooou" while playing with my phone when she shit out those words one last time. Jesus.

I felt bad for her in the books but it was some soap opera crap on the screen


This is reportedly the most expensive episode the show has ever done which is really… very sad. There were some neat things but I was dying fro them to cut away. Aside from sam and jon there are no characters fighting that have been developed enough to sustain a whole episode.

I agree. I was underwhelmed, and the vast amount of changes and short changing-while also glossing over the Night Watch characterizations resulted in like 4 characters with any history to them at this point.

What the hell? why would he do that? Aside from the fact he's cheating on her he hasn't shown any malice.

AVclub has done a 180 since most of it's respected staff bailed and the site was done over into a click bait monstrosity. Seriously, half the articles that get posted now used to be relegated to "great job, internet"

Cutler is very very protective of Ted, and Don's behavior towards Ted last season is what's been driving Cutler, in addition to the poor business and behavior Don was exhibiting. That's where the whole "you're a bully" business comes from this ep.

I agree whole heartedly; it's about don. I just think a lot of people are stupid and it'll be one of those things where we have to say "no peggy's sister is not raising her baby, no megan is not going to be murdered, no bob is not a spy, no…"