Dick In A Bog

I was saying, 4 years ago. you really stuck it to me.

The Boltons know. Basically everyone with power knows. Everyone is complicit because it grants them legitimacy to the people they rule, who do not know.

GoT has gotten high off it's own supply. They include shocking moments as a matter of course just for the news stories they get off it, sacrificing story telling in the process. It's been happening for years, almost since Ned got shortened by a head. Season 1 is almost the only one where things aren't being fucked

the alternative is filler, which is way worse.

X2 is retardedly fun to play, but it's got a pretty dogshit story. And they managed to make blitzball worse somehow.

Awful awful awful follow ups to sci fi and fantasy post death are far more likely. Look ye upon dune By Kevin J Anderson and Brian Herbert and despair

no one uses blackberries, just about anyone who uses a pc at work that can't install their own software probably uses bing to an extent.

when it was just fuckin slides it was fine but THEIR STUPID INSIPID VOICES AND MUSIC

I used to be a "show up to movies 40 minutes ahead of time" person but my pop culture hell would definitely be the new, pre pre previews in theaters, forever. Nothing like the same tripe and entertainment bullshit looped on a less than 3 minute track about the most lowest denominator bullshit stretched for 20-30

Joyeux Noel, Gallipoli, Paths of Glory,All Quiet on The Western Front (1930), Regeneration.

It's tripe. Horse filled ass tripe

It was rather silly, and it was a problem with their choice not to have the backyard wildlings attack earlier (oh but we needed to know thenes are dicks I guess *roll eyes*). Given that they've killed all of jons bloc for goven- I mean commander, I'm guessing the whole election plotline with be truncated or excised.

absolutely agree. I like sam and jon much more than alot of people it seems, but it would have been nice to have a few more people given even a 1/4th of the development sam has had to care about.

Stannis popping up in the beginning of ep 10 really sucked the wind out of it (not to mention the wildling looks like about 40 people total in a little forest instead of a host of 100000. Him showing up at the end of 9 would have been a great way to break the tension of an hour long episode that was 9in an ideal

I don't think it is the first act, but the end of book 3, and this season, is a major break from the previous building stories. The problem as I see it is the red wedding is the climax of book 3, and the other big setpieces are part of the falling action to wrap up the book, which was the entire 4th season, so it's

The amounts of "stuff happens to happen" is higher, since this season had by far the most made up storylines, and placement of scenes from episode to episode was a little wonky. Time spent on certain areas to keep certain characters in view deprived other plots from having more time to breathe.

it's a fan theory and basically just a little nod it's not like he is a major player or even has lines or a mention of his name.

The ironic part about 'watchers' is lack of table setting for characters on teh wall earlier in the season deadened the impact, and then the following episode structure sucked the air out of stannis' big arrival. Opinions are widely varied on watchers, from "EPIC HURRR" to "waht the fuck mate" and I would definately

AVclub,since the redesign, has fundamentally shifted to a much more cynical site. looka home many articles are about 'things found on the internet' and lists compared to previously.

People keep saying that stannis showing up in this episode makes the watch look weak. They are fucking weak! That's the whole point, they are decayed to the point of near death, after decades if not centuries of people laughing at their purpose, and then what, 500 men dying during the ranging north? They are skin