Dick In A Bog

Seriously. It was fantastic and such a killer way to end the 'season'.

Right? That season 4 to 5 wait was KILLER

The immediate tone shift between Meredith time and "don draper, shit getting done-er" was pretty mesmerizing

It's funny though she was taking over for Lou at the time and actually shirking the don responsibilities because she was very meredith about remembering the details and Dawn was like "Aint got time for this honky"

Not Lane's; Lane's is/was on the same hallway that peggy's and don's old office is.

I hope he finds happiness OUTSIDE of advertising, but that speech about how important it is to be useful and creative isn't exactly tipping his hand that he wants out; He's been fighting this whole time to get back in and, aside from working for mccann tangentially, it's the only thing he's wanted all season.

AMC wants to keep it's audience as long as possible.

No one is jumping anywhere, Not even the show, if weiner's stance on "NO MAD MEN IN 1970" is to be believed

He's been shit on by EVERYONE so if nothing else he's a bit of a wild card. Thank god it didn't come down to Harry Crane (cuz we know he probably would have done whatever was doofiest at the moment).

How fucking badass was the "Don finds out he's being fired" music when he's gathering up all the partners.

It's not supposed to make sense.


I'm worried the song will confuse a lot of people; bert cooper was not anti-materialism by any means.

For a little bit, a very little bit, it seemed like she might be the "voice for a new generation" but that was gone a while ago. She was never super social outside of work, and the closest she got was with her lesbian friend and abe, who it turns out were completely opposite of her in a lot of ways.

It even sounds like a 60s sitcom.


Ted was literally going to quit if don hadn't swayed him in that meeting at the end. I think he was fucking around in a morose way cuz he just didn't care.

Ah! Very true. That said, it's functionally the same thing, right? They are entitled to profits and such but wont have a say in any decisions mccann weighs in on?

I knew there would be SOME shit talk about the dance but I also knew those people suck.