Fresh Courage Take

I don’t think you can completely blame her for this being her fault for posting on social media. Yes, by being publically photographed, the thieves knew what jewelry she had. The paparazzi photos of her arriving and leaving events.

But if that social media presences makes you say, 4 million dollars in a year, is it really a mistake to risk losing $200,000? (For the Kardashians those numbers are, of course, much higher). They’re risking personal safety too, but I think it’s simplistic to just assume these people are being stupid.

It certainly took a real criminal genius to carefully sift through all that corny trash, the vulgar clichés, the comatose Philistinism, the imitations of imitations, the shots of tits and lips, the bogus profundities and the crude, moronic and dishonest pseudo-personalities to find details relevant to the heist.

I have a friend who religiously posts from her neighborhood and places she frequents such as her child’s daycare and her place of work. It drives me mad!

I’m not one to blame Kim either, but when I saw the headline my first though was “well, duh.”

It doesn’t really matter what happens to that family, they’d still find a way to milk it for all it’s worth.

An expert in security, and the police, actually warned them all about posting too much info about themselves on social media because they were getting crazy stalkers, but also, because this would happen too: a robbery or kidnapping. They didn’t listen.

We told your dumb asses back in Jan, Feb and March that ONLY Hillary Clinton gave Donald Trump a chance to win the white house. ONLY Hillary Clinton. No one else.

You seriously don’t know who’s worse between the reality TV star and the guy who’s disappeared countless people into the night 1940s style and murdered a dissident with plutonium?

1) Are violent russians and violent Europeans mutually exclusive? Yeah, thought so. 2) While Europeans indeed might still have some problems you kindly mentioned, russia has this turned up to 11. Battery is everyday culture norm. Go live there for a month and you’ll see. Living right next to russia and having 30% of

Are you implying that Europeans did not condone domestic violence for centuries and do not have this problem now?

Yeah, this is in the same vein as the ‘Everyone has equal rights under the law’ defense. Just because it’s written, doesn’t mean it’s practiced.

I’m becoming more convinced each day that we’re in a simulation and the night shift guy is just toying with us for his own sick delight. Fuck everything. I just hope the simulation administrators aren’t Mormon.

A one-day blackout of any reporting of his blabbery and ignorant buffoonery and he would hemorrhage from every pore.

Someday soon he’s going to walk by a mirror and crack his skull trying to attack his own reflection...

My advice is to learn to use it properly/safely and about safe storage.

I never thought my former life as a high school English teacher would prepare me for the revolution.

LOL at your libtard butthurt

What is the moral presumption for large scale immigration?

You go TRUMP!!!! Kick them all out!!!!!!!!!