
I guess we know which married guy’s asshole her tongue was buried in.

People like this make me feel less shitty about the world. Needed this today. 

How is this bitch going to be involved in her kid’s education of she can’t fucking read?

He lost his “stand your ground” defense when he opened the door. If he was so scared why did he open his front door? Stand your ground laws dont absolve people of the responsibility of their actions they just put the burden of proof on the prosecution instead of the home owner. The issue is going to be what they have

I don’t know how to explain it, but I’d rather watch a 9-part series about a gruesome, brutal serial killer than 20 minutes listening to a phone call with a pedophile. 

“I went along with his elaborate child rape fantasies for several years, and didn’t do anything when he straight-up told me he procured child prostitutes, because I was totally going to turn it all over to the police. Eventually.

Holy shit, fucking Greg is at it again!

Asshole, there are plenty of ways to attack someone for being a spineless toady that don’t require evoking the dynamics of gay sex.

OMG, the comments on the Post article about Tim Burton are horrifyingly racist! 

There is a certain segment of fools who get their filthy drawers in a twist whenever there is a focus on another group of people and the focus is taken off the for liiiiike a nanosecond, and the incels coming for She-Hulk are included in the segment of fools.

Where did I say that his behavior towards Kim now is ok? Pretty sure I didn’t. He’s stalking, harassing, and using his army of fans to amplify it.

I’m completely over the black men who rush at the chance to get with a Kardashian/Jenner crying victimhood. Especially the one (Klownye) who was more than willing to disrespect black women to elevate his vanilla queen when it was all good. 

Ah, the classic “I forgot I was a white supremacist” defense.

Cherry on top: she knows it’s healing because she’s talked to children of rape.

Black folks in America are intimately familiar with the state trying to control their bodies, so even in my extremely religious family, pro-life folks are pro-life for themselves and not trying to force that on anyone else. 

Same thing I said on the Gizmodo article:

Now show all the kids who have transitioned successfully and happily and will testify that it literally saved their lives. (I can think of two I know personally right off the top of my head). 

Of course he is; they’re nobodies, bubble-gum acts like Justin Bieber, and his political activism alone makes him 1000 times more important, but he didn’t have to whine about it. Everyone knows Drake and such “blink and their career is over” acts are gutter trash.

Jokes aside elephants are extremely smart, extremely complex creatures with very long memories and if of a mindset can and will murder the fuck out of anything that ticks them off. There’s a reason poachers use high-powered weapons, because wounded ones are even more fearsome. It’s not uncommon for numbers of would-be

Another one that never gets old. They cannot send a white woman to prison. They will bend over backwards and make every excuse in the world. And when they absolutely must, then the creativity of mitigating factors goes to 12.