
Would you say the same if they taped their eyes to mimic an Asian artist or wore a big fake nose to look like a Jewish performer? Probably not. You don’t need a gd degree in American history to understand why blackface is offensive. No- these people are just assholes and so is everyone dismissing this as simple “cultur

Do they take their eyes when performing as an Asian artist or wear prosthetic noses to portray a Jewish artist or do any other kind of problematic bs to portray non-white artists? Probably tf not. ONLY blackface is ever only considered to be offensive “if you have that history” Fuck them and fuck that- if they know

SKITZO goes hard af!

Imagine how deeply sick this man must be to have KNOWINGLY risk a small child being shot to death just because he doesn’t like the way she looks.

So you mean to tell me if I ever turned on an FM rock channel at any point in my entire life- I’d have heard of this dude? And where did I “claim” to have never done so?

Wow, is this guy your dad or something? I still don’t fucking know him, Jr.

Yeah, it’s so vibrant and common that no one ever hears about it until some online white wills it into existence in an attempt to minimize the barbarity of their ancestors. 👍🏿

I was 4 years old in 1980 so probably not. 😄 Yeah I’ve *heard of* Pink Floyd but I don’t know the band members and couldn’t identify a single song if I heard it. I think it’s just that I’m a Black lady and sometimes our cultural touchstones are different, you know?

Because I don’t know some random white rock man? Sheesh you guys sure are self important. Abysmally ignorant? JFC 😄

No other group on earth has practiced the lifelong enslavement, systemic rape, torture and **breeding** of other human beings. None. Not then and not now.

Race baiter?

Strongly disagree. I’m 46 years old and I’ve never heard his name before reading this article nor have I ever heard a Pink Floyd song. 

Yeah, no. She’s from FOREST HILLS, Queens. She grew up around few, if any Black people and her normal speaking voice is very different from Nora’s.

So? White people’s depravity and hatred dictates THEIR identities- not ours.

A human being that identifies as such.

That’s not how any of this shit works. Your white parents are absolutely capable of producing a female child but they can’t make a Black one.

Now- name a Black political party that has passed laws allowing for or encouraging discrimination against gay people.

Da Baby has a leg tattoo that says "Fuck Bitches" so I'm not surprised by any of this.

I love Scarface but, Cube’s shit was transformative for my entire generation.
