
i agree. but the financing term is decided after the vehicle is chosen. every time there is an article about financing a vehicle, 70% of the comments are about just never buying a new car in the first place and telling other people whose lives they don’t live how they should spend their money. it’s an excuse to

Loans aren’t fungible. A car loan has an asset tied to it, one the creditor can take possession of should you default. A personal line of credit, the kind you would need to take out to invest in an index fund is a whole different thing. Personal lines of credit are unsecured and have much higher interest rates. While

first year depreciation isn’t and shouldn’t be as big a factor in deciding the terms of an auto loan as a lot of jalops seem to think. say 12 months in you have some bad luck and you’re going to lose the car. if you took out a 36 month loan at 0%, you aren’t as upside down, but you’ve put a lot of money over that year

Thanks for telling me that after the fact.....

Plural of Anus?  Republicans.

Wow, someone here needs to get a real education and do their research.

I don’t understand why people choose to put their tin foil hats for the vaccine, but immediately take it off for random drugs. THEY ARE BOTH PROVIDED BY BIG PHARMA! The same corruption they think could lie in the covid vaccine could also exist in anything else.

This is good parenting.

I wish this idea that we have “middling” vaccination rates would go away. 75% of all adults in the US have at least one dose of the vaccine, which is generally enough to prevent hospitalization.

I think it was dumb to say vaccinated people could stop wearing masks when they did mainly because A) it gave retail establishments a reason to stop their mask policy and B) gave anti-maskers a way to weasel out of wearing a mask despite not being vaccinated while simultaneously NOT acknowledging the fact that

As another person in recovery, I believe John Mulaney should do whatever helps him live a happy and fulfilling life, whatever that means to him. I’m not sure how it helps you stay sober to have people judging every personal choice you make in recovery and implying that any little personal misstep (none of which are

I’ll bet he could find places in Montana where his ideas were popular, but just like Trump he has nothing but disdain for the people who actually like his views.

Texas is probably going to try to make ovulation illegal before the decade is out.

It’s a government website with the top level domain name of “com” and hosted by Go Daddy?

It's not a government website, it's a website run a by forced birth org-- that's the whole thing about this law it specifically leaves enforcement to private entities

Well it IS a proof of concept. At one point not too long ago (relative to civilization) restricting what someone did in their own home would be very difficult to enforce.

Judge: “You stand accused of murder, sir”

“I know a guy that ran off to Cancun, Mexico with his daughters last winter. Seems suspicious.”

It’s really a none of your business issue.

This has nothing to do with a science-speak or a lab environment or the real world. For a conclusion to be true, it must be based on facts.