
Try dealing in facts dude.  This is weak fucking sauce.  You don’t just get to make a false statement MULTIPLE times and then just pretend the people who call you out on it are the ones being absurd.  Grow the fuck up.

“Splinter: The Truth Hurts: We’re a super serious progressive political blog and our poorly thought-out opinions should be taken seriously.

in fact the only abnormal year for supporters of a loser in the primary voting for the other party’s candidate was 2008 when at minimum 25% of clinton supporters backed mccain

Agreed with much of this. I responded, then omitted for space, concerns about his sort of “moral hardlining”—especially how will it would manifest when he has to handle a delicate geopolitical situation” What will he do when he has to meet with Saudi “allies”? Will he leave it up to China to deal with the “crazy dictat

Do you think I like W’s policies? This doesn’t seem to be a question proposed in good faith, not least of which because like as a candidate for president” doesn’t necessarily mean “like the person.”

I think the difference between this and last time is that there were a lot more people in 2016 who just didn’t think that Trump could possibly win. Believe me, I was told by many Gawker/Fusion commenters at the time that he was heading for an unprecedented loss. When I’d mentioned the Quinnipiac that showed he was


You being a ‘shooter’ should not be going after people going after guns. We’ll continue this fight for as long as it takes to stop the senseless violence. What you should be doing is going after the law enforcement organizations, prosecutors, and judges that aren’t going after illegal weapons. You should be spotting

This is why plutonium is easily available.  Violent criminals just find a way, no reason to ban or control such a substance.

Nightmare indeed. The lawyers have to go to court where upper management insists the lawyers make essentially frivolous arguments which the judge and the other side know are frivolous arguments, putting those lawyers’ careers in legal jeopardy from possible ethics charges, let alone the damage it does to their

You have to give Trump credit though, it takes incredible ability to de-legitimize whatever your plans are in the middle of announcing your plans.

I’m mainly going off his threats to call for a state of emergency. Yeah he’s had a long time to address this, fact of the matter is it was Congress’ job to address it and the President’s job to enact what they say.

The trump admin continues to be both a force for annihilating whats left of democracy and a hilarious truth serum for all “constitutional” conservatives and “libertarians” where in the end all they stand for is oppression of PoC/women and pure power. 

Are we claiming that news outlets will yank the brakes on reporting about workplace abuse if a person runs for President (but only if male)? That’s...like, I’m a feminist, but that’s a wild claim.

For the people who didn’t think to click the link in the piece:

This motherfucker attacked my race.

Dude, c’mon...there’s a link devoted to listing man-centric stories of this type *in* the article!

If it bothers you THAT MUCH that you might get in trouble for saying a nasty racist slur with centuries of baggage you might not have any real problems. I’m just saying.

I had one try to argue with me that neither Jap nor the n-word were racist because he didn’t mean them in a racist way when he said them, and besides some black people say the n-word.