
Where is the snark?  You’re chasing ghosts here, and I have no idea why. 

I’m forever amazed by Trump’s ability to turn every potential political opportunity into absolute shit for himself, and that despite the fact that he continually does this, there are still people who think he is a political genius.

If you’re not Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump does not care one bit about you, and would casually and without a second thought destroy your life if doing so would benefit him in the slightest way; he will casually and without a second thought allow your life to be destroyed if saving your life required the slightest

I don’t mind that argument because it’s false, I mind it because it’s not consistently effective. It looks like it might be effective in this election, but you aren’t always going to have an election like this. 

Sorry, I moved on from the ship analogy because it is stupid, and I’m not sure what it is you are saying you didn’t say. Nor do I have any idea what relevance the rest of your post has to anything I said. 

I agree, generally, with that sentiment. It drove me nuts in 2016 that there were so many undecided voters between two candidates who could not have been more different in temperament, record, policy proposals, etc. It drives me even more nuts now that there are voters like that after nearly four years of Trump in

I’m not sure what your point is. If Biden is president, his priorities will become the Democratic Party’s priorities, and his agenda will become the national agenda. That is why people are interested in what Biden’s priorities are.  If what you’re saying is that Biden as president will not have much of an interest in

Okay, great, incredible analogy. What I would say to that is, yes, everyone should vote for Joe Biden, who in your analogy would I guess be some person who says he should be captain (president) because he will steer us away from the iceberg. But, continuing this analogy, there are going to be other trips (elections)

One way or another, Trump is not going to be on the ballot in 2024 (errr...well, I assume he won’t). This will be the second straight presidential election in which the primary message of the Democratic candidate has been “Trump is awful, and I’m not him.” Whatever merit that may have as a short-term electoral

That quote is about Biden’s net favorability, not whether people are voting for him, Trump, or neither. It is possible to dislike Biden and still vote for him because he’s not Trump. I don’t particularly like Biden, I’d definitely be an “unfavorable” on him if I were polled, but there’s no doubt I’m voting for Biden

I’d argue that maybe the lack of enthusiasm and underwater approval is because at least some younger voters *do* know Joe and recognize just what a crappy record he has.

What is a “statistically significant number of people”? That description doesn’t even really make much sense in this context. We aren’t running a study or trying to extrapolate a sample to a whole population. In any event, I think a non-zero number of people individuals would have changed their behavior if it had been

It’s a little complicated, because you set the terms of the debate, asking whether I thought revealing Trump’s contradictory statements would have “saved a single life,” and when I answered that I think it would have saved at least one life, you claimed you were just using “minor hyperbole.” So I’m trying to figure

Okay, so to be clear, when you ask whether I think Woodward publishing this info earlier would have saved “a single life,” are you engaging in “minor hyperbole”?  Or are you genuinely asking whether I think it would have saved at least one life?  I want to be sure to tailor my responses to whatever argument you think

Got it. So you admit at least one life would have been saved....how many people is it worth it to die to get maybe a fleeting rise in Biden’s poll numbers two months before the election instead of 4 months before the election?

I wonder if you realize that, in attempting to condemn people for policing the feelings of others, you yourself are policing the feelings of others?

I think you’re overestimating how big the number one is. 

A single life? Yes, I think it is possible that having revealed a tape of Trump admitting the virus was airborne and deadlier than the flu, at a time when both of those propositions were less than clear, would have saved at least one life.