
It’s September. It is earlier than when the Access Hollywood tape came out. If he wanted to maximally influence the election, he would have done it the week or two before the election, before other events in the news cycle could overtake it and before a defense of Trump could settle in. As it is now, it will just be

There was no agreement between Trump and Woodward, according to Woodward. 

Support drops to 50% from what?  What is you overarching point here in response to my original comment?

So it still shows that people generally believe the vast majority of people should be able to pass their estate, untaxed, to their children. 

I’m not. The DOJ acting like Trump’s personal law firm and the AG acting like Trump’s personal attorney are steps towards authoritarianism.

Yes, thank you, I am aware of the most basic steps of how litigation works. I am also aware of how presidential terms work (although Trump leaving when his term is up is not a given!). None of this really has anything to do with whether DOJ’s request is a step towards authoritarianism, which it absolutely is. It’s

Who cares if other litigants don’t have access to the DOJ? And it might not fly, but it might. A judge could easily rule in DOJ/Trump’s favor. But even if they don’t, the fact that the DOJ is making this move is alarming all on it’s own. It is the DOJ signaling that Trump is synonymous with the state, that Trump’s

First of all, there are lots of delaying tactics available to litigants that do not involve the Attorney General, whose job is to represent the people of the United States, intervening in a case to argue in favor of the president’s personal interest. Second of all, something can be both a delaying tactic and a move

No judge is going to get disbarred for granting a motion properly before the court. This absolutely is a step towards authoritarianism. And I’m not sure why the original lawsuit is a stretch (??).

Okay? I’m not sure how 50% of people being in favor of lowering the estate tax threshold speaks to “most people” being okay with that. Sanders’s plan beats Republicans’ plan 50-33. 

Even assuming your analysis of Obama winning because he was able to motivate D-leaning non-voters to vote and to cause R-leaning voters to not vote (???? cite?), that doesn’t actually refute my argument.  Do you think every single person who voted for Obama does not have any racist tendencies or beliefs?  How do you

Probably if that was the case, Barack Obama would not have won the presidency in a landslide, and would not have won re-election comfortably. A lot of people with racist tendencies and beliefs had to deprioritize those for that to happen.

Senate races are popularity contests. House races are popularity contests. I understand what you’re saying, but there is not any reason that Democrats should be out of the running to win any Senate or House race given that Republicans embrace a fully plutocratic economic message that has direct economic benefits for

Look, if Ben wants our vote for senator, he’s going to have to learn to answer hard-hitting questions.

Since at least Reagan the economic core of the Republican Party has been just this: that the role of the government in the economy is only to protect accumulated wealth and the ability to use accumulated wealth to gain more more wealth.  That Democrats, for 40 years now, have failed to translate Republicans’

There’s nothing we can do about it right now, but it is insane how horrible and anti-democratic (and, I guess, anti-Democratic) the electoral college is. 

Well, it actually sounds like elected officials were behaving more cartoonishly awful then. In any event, I can understand maybe even empathize with Biden’s reluctance to rock the boat. But, as Snide-o-Mite pointed out above Biden was the single most powerful person in the room during these hearings. He had the power

Biden could have actually done something about it. He was the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee! He wasn’t some underling or some powerless rube. He was the most powerful person involved in that process. That you don’t remember much about his role is actually part of the problem, because he was supposed to be a

It’s a shame that it takes that tour without really attempting to say anything distinctive or original or meaningful about any of the history it portrays.