
Completely missing the point.

Hard to believe she wouldn’t have gotten plenty of sympathy at basically anytime during their marriage, but especially the last few years. 



If people don’t already know that, they aren’t going to learn.

If conservatives would be okay with Biden doing that, great.

There is no rule that says the Supreme Court is limited to 9 members. Adhering to norms and other unwritten rules for their own sake only makes sense if both sides are doing it. Democrats shouldn’t hesitate to use the legitimate, legal, constitutional tools that are at their disposal. Losing elections has

I get the impulse to shit on people who couldn’t be bothered to just vote for Clinton. But it doesn’t actually do anything to solve the problem that exists now. They can “take responsibility” all they want, it isn’t going to stop a the Supreme Court from having a conservative supermajority.

Why is it you think McConnell or any Republican would care if the Democratic House refuses to pass Democratic bills?  What kind of threat do you think that is?

Absolutely. It doesn’t work that way, it shouldn’t work that way, and it won’t work that way now. Republicans are going to push through a nominee, her dying wishes be damned, and frankly they should. But saying they “disrespected the dying wish” of Ginsburg, who is well-liked, is both true, and an easy sort of low

She’s a fairly well-liked, sympathetic figure, and people have a tendency to think that honoring someone’s dying wish is basic decency. I agree with you that it should be meaningless, but it is something I can imagine gaining some traction with the general public and so, in that vein, I’m on board if it puts some

It doesn’t have to be a campaign slogan, and it doesn’t have to be a centerpiece of the campaign, although I’m not sure I see why it hurts him any more than Republicans refusal to give Merrick Garland a vote hurt them in 2016, or their hypocritical insistence on ramming through will hurt them now. But if Biden is just

He doesn’t have “to say that to get elected.”  That is bullshit. 

What McConnell did in 2016 was to deliver something he knew the people who put Republicans would want him to deliver. What he is doing now is delivering something he knows the people who put Republicans would want him to deliver. Yeah, he made up a bullshit rule in 2016 to justify his actions, and he is violating that

You protest, that is what is within your ability.  Joe Biden, if he wins, and if there is a Democratic Senate, need to pack the court, because that will be within their ability.

They can make noise and try to appeal to their base, but the simple reality is Republicans can push through a nominee and there is nothing Democrats can do to stop it. They just don’t have the power. It really is that simple. It’s not “relying on procedure and legalism to contain right wing corruption,” it’s just

Republicans have the Senate. Democrats can’t really do anything if Republicans are united behind confirming a nominee.

Republicans can get basically everything they want, for the next 40 years and beyond, if they confirm someone right now. The opportunity is here, right now, to ensure that conservative principles rule this country for decades. I cannot imagine that any Republicans will, at the end of the day, pass on taking that

So many of these proposals from dimwits like Bernie Sanders seem to preach that if you make $100k/yr ANYHWERE

The places where $15 is not enough can always pass a higher minimum wage.