
Whoa. He's eating at Cheesecake Factory? $13 million won't be nearly enough.

Yeah, baseball's way too fucking long!

I disagree. Regular season baseball is supposed to be leisurely. You can flip around channels, check your phone or email, read, whatever with the game in the background on TV. It's not supposed to be NFL intense. It's also a better game live, unlike the NFL.

The difference between football and baseball is that each football play has a ton of shit going on that can be discussed between plays. There is a lot of strategy during and between plays. Baseball has some strategy, although it all amounts to is it going to be a fastball or something off-speed. I don't think

The NFL went on to identify three mitigating factors:

The weather is beautiful, Burning Man has rid SF of most of its insufferables for a few days and college footbaw is finally here. All is right with the world.

How far did he punt that player?