Not one fact that even points in the direction of your clam.
Not one fact that even points in the direction of your clam.
And you should go back into your hole.
Finally. Good to see Trump supporters coming around on climate change.
So is Gizmodo Media Group going to report on John Rampino’s trial?
When to pull your weapon: when your life or the life of others is in jeopardy and you may need to employ lethal force.
The sheriff added that he believed that Janis “assumed someone was stealing the car because they pulled up with no markings whatsoever on the car (taxi), dropped somebody off, went up to the car (and) started changing the license plate on the car.”
Seems legit. I am always tired after working out, but never tired after sleeping. Riddle me that science!
Imagine their shock and horror when their kids come out with the same weak chins, weird mouths, mousy-brown hair and unfortunate dental characteristics. (As seen in not a few of the Real Housewives’ progeny - usually startlingly ordinary looking kids until they’re old enough for their first nose job.)
No, that’s a real thing. Drink twice for lying.
“The human body is like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted.”
It’s funny that they expect us to believe that’s how she actually looks.... old photos reveal she’s the same chinless bucktoothed pudding as her brothers.... but bam, as soon as you get a jawline installed + a few veneers, suddenly you’re some kinda genetic role model.
She has definitely gotten more surgery since then.
Nice earrings. Bear’s like, “Oooo I’m fancy!”
The only way that headline could be topped is, Jim McElwain Says That Is Him Nude and Humping a Shark, which is assume will be tomorrow’s update.
Friendly English Lit reminder: the point of this quote is not that Juliet is wondering where Romeo is. Rather, the “wherefore art thou” is meant as “WHY are you Romeo Montague,” as in, “I really wish you were from literally any other family.”