They also defaulted to sneering contempt for the people there. You can only mock and condescend so long.
They also defaulted to sneering contempt for the people there. You can only mock and condescend so long.
“In the course of a century, southern West Virginia went from the Battle of Blair Mountain to Donald Trump country. What happened”
Also blanket calling that belt of people all privileged racists probable didnt help.
Democrats forgot the group for whom they were supposed to be working. They switched from actual workers to corporations.
How DARE you look upon West-Virginian Deplorable Trump Voters(tm) with ANYTHING other than the most contemptuous of contempt!?!
Speaking properly: check
And you know that ponytail motherfucker just cuts straight through and eats that garbage pile all together. Fuck dieting, I’m just going to look at that picture when I wake up every day, which should cure me of any desire to eat.
My take on English food was, because they’ve hated the French so much throughout history, they purposefully decided to cook and eat trash as a way to spite their tasty-food-eating neighbors. Even though, in this scenario, they only end up spiting themselves...
Gods of the underworld, sure. Old, ancient gods with powers like “takes solid shits” and “fucks the hottest sheep.” Trash food for trash gods.
Just wait until Javier Bardem sees Bobby Finger.
Not to stand on a soapbox here (he says as he’s about to just that), but this is just another case of why I’ve always rolled my eyes at the “the South is so racist” comments that people make these days. There is plenty of racism in the North. I’ve lived for a good amount of time (roughly a decade or more in each) in…
Setting my alarm for 530AM to get the full 4.5 hours of Kirk and Callahan on WEEI with the HOTTEST TAKES. It’s going to be great. You’ll get Sully from Carver with his “I have a black friend” take. You’ll get Ben from Manchester who once sat in the out field in Fenway in the 1980s and NEVER HEARD A RACIST COMMENT, so… guys had a fucking pancake machine? Now the veil is drawn back, Gawker was just one elaborate false flag operation by the 1%!! Well I hope you all burn in hell after drowning in your sweet pancake battered ivory tower!......I might need to go to sleep now.
Fuck. This is awkward but I’m gonna talk about it anyways because it’s real.
Memes don’t count as “A dialogue”
So long story short the show basically portrays suicide as a (successful?) way to get back at people and tells you how to do it?
Under his eye, Ofgizmodo.