Dick Jokes

Yes, sadistic, and possibly a control thing. If you aren’t into it, say it.

Run. fast.

Again, Beaver Stadium should be demolished, the earth it sat on salted and Penn State should never play a down ever again. Should. But nobody in Happy Valley or Indianapolis who ever was or will be in a position to do the right thing will ever have the decency to do it.

Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”

I was invited to be a pretend horse once. I said “Nay”.

If this is where we’re dumping unneeded, poor-taste jokes, I’m tossing this here

“there was a lookout at the door watching for coaches not to come.”

“You ain’t gotta get ready if you stay ready.” — a got-damn genius.

“Just say the word, girl, I got you.”

I hope when he ties Nixon, the next Trump cover has an image of Trump and Nixon together, so it’s still a tie.

I hope when he’s one away from catching up to Nixon they just start putting a little Nixon-in-a-Box on any Trump cover to keep him from getting there.

Take every rape allegation seriously and investigate it to your full capability. Do not automatically believe every allegation. This is why. Well this and 100+ years of American race relations.

The dilemma Dave is discussing, which seems to not be acknowledged in your piece, is that Cosby made Dave (and other black men and women) feel proud of themselves, in a way that the rest of American culture doesn’t. He made people feel like they were better than what they were told they were, that they had value and

I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”

I watched Spin last night, and Rich is leaving out a key part of the Cosby commentary - that being it was a callback to a joke done earlier in the show concerning a superhero who resorts to rape to maximize his “powers,” setting up a moral conundrum of “he rapes, but he saves lives.”

This wasn’t Andrew Dice Clay

It’s true that she’s brainwashed, but by that extent, so is he. I’m not minimizing that brainwashing: I grew up with a sadistic mother who abused me every moment of my day, took my money, didn’t allow me to drive, and once even called a college I got into to tell them I couldn’t attend because I had died...but I got

Would you say you’re interested in BoFA?

don’t know why everyone is so salty about this