No blackface is a terrible idea in almost all contexts. For an easy and entertaining explanation, watch Spike Lee’s Bamboozled, specifically the end credits . Again, NO BLACKFACE
No blackface is a terrible idea in almost all contexts. For an easy and entertaining explanation, watch Spike Lee’s Bamboozled, specifically the end credits . Again, NO BLACKFACE
Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.
Most skill by a 74-year old playing basketball outside of Kobe Bryant.
Bill should just make eggs for the whole family. It’s the 2010s, man.
Kind of misleading. He’s clearly wearing black boxes of varying shapes and sizes in most of those pictures.
So Kristen Stewart is....Taken?
If you have any experience with this phenomenon—if someone used OKCupid to persuade you to vote Trump, even—please let us know in the comments.
AUSTRIAN, not Australian, man.
why is R2D2 cooperating with the Empire, though?
I Cam Three Times (2016) Plot summary: A sexually frustrated Charlotte housewife is writing yet another letter to the editor about the wild, gyrating TD celebrations of Cam Newton when all of sudden who walks through her door but...
All Guy Bathtime
Everyone knows robots can’t eat pancakes. The syrup sticks up their gears.
I’m not sure if you’re trying to make some sort of weird joke, but a 17 year old in the year 2016 is not a millennial...”millennial” applies to people who reached young adulthood around the year 2000. These kids were born in 1999...
Excited to see a bunch of idiots try to be funny in the comment section here
Hey remember that time when Chevy Chase pretended to be Gerald Ford and he fell down?
Well, it was a relatively mediocre sketch from last night’s solid show. But because it didn’t play like one of the sketches from the Best Of: John Belushi DVD, the “not funny since the 70s” trolls are undoubtedly on their way here.
I think it’s sweet that the NFL gave Carson’s mom a vote.
I don’t think Elizabeth Warren is boy-crazy, Steinem. I don’t think far-left women are boy-crazy. I think they’re just socialist.
Mirra almost died in the early 90's from a tramatic brain injury. Ironically, it wasn’t on a bike. He fractured his skull when a drunk driver hit him in a crosswalk as he was leaving a bar. Almost ended his career before it really started.
15 years ago my friends pranked me really hard that I won the DC shoes monthly giveaway by calling my house and acting like they were from DC. I was suckered really good and got laughed at for weeks. So I wrote DC an email telling them about this story and how I should win it for real and punk those guys right back. I…