Big deal, Barry. It takes twice as many people to undress Eli.
Big deal, Barry. It takes twice as many people to undress Eli.
In Fallout you become a god as soon as you get your first Plasma Weapon, and your first Power Armor seals the deal. Perks just make things pretty when they go explodey.
With all the dumbed down whining yet to come, I put it to these people just enjoying the feeling of thinking that they’re ‘smarter’ than other people because they enjoy games with arcane, tedious mechanics. Any effort to care about, I dunno, fun results in pandering to the dirty casuals.
Considering that the leveling system was so much more organic and fluid in Skyrim than in Oblivion (raise your hand if you’re an obsessive like me who made sure to level a secondary skill corresponding to each trait at least 10 levels just to get the +5 at each full level up), this is a great thing. People who want…
He also won his game of celebrity Jeopardy, and made fun of Russell Wilson’s god talk.
I’ve come across several people in the first few weeks of that season that HATE Aaron Rodgers. I don’t get it AT ALL. The guy seems to have a good sense of humor about himself, he’s absolutely nails on the football field, and I’ve never heard any reports about him being a bad teammate. If you’re a fan of another team…
Just change it to the Fighting Sue and have your mascot dress up like Johnny Cash. Damn that was easy...
The Long Snapper, Pedro, able to chuck an Olde English 40 ouncer from the dented Igloo cooler located in the bed of Punt Man’s `98 Ford F-250 to Punt Man’s awaiting hands while he’s on top of a Werner 12-foot step-ladder rewiring the Widow Jenkins’ outdoor security light, which Mr. Jenkins used to do before…
With his sidekick, Long Snapper, they battle foes and gravity alike...
It is much better. Not to be too pedantic, but I believe the reason he chose that phrase is that “punter” in both the UK and Australia is an insult—technically it’s a prostitute’s client. Somebody has to get the nickname “John the Punter” now. Quickly.
Has to be better than Berman.
Here’s the Hayne Plane! His first touch in the NFL. And... he drops it? Oh my goodness me, he drops it! His first touch is a fumble! He’s grassed it. Oh my.
... Flags fly in. A lot of pointing. And ... the Niners are penalised five yards. And coach Jim Tomasula looks like someone’s set his car on fire.
Did you seriously just try to say that Football is more violent then Rugby?
How does Chris Kluwe feel about this? And how far can he punt a football?
Where does he fit into the battles of Day Man and Night Man?
Oy my god, this guy is GOLD. I’m just going to keep posting choice lines from his blog....
Forget the blog, put him in the broadcast booth to do play by play.
Punt man. Sounds way better than Punter. Punt man it is.
The Niners are third and five .... 12 yards out from the honeypot.