I love how the screengrab shows the anchor gently cupping Deez Nuts.
I love how the screengrab shows the anchor gently cupping Deez Nuts.
Who is the Russian Lit professor on the couch?
The real optical illusion in that pic is the fucking awful shirt the seated dude in the middle is wearing.
You don’t even know what pain is
I wasn’t able to visualize Drew as a college football player. Now, I can see it...from the neck up
His jacket-swatshirt tied around his waist also requires mentioning every time this photo appears.
My FIL is a lifelong Niners fan. When I brought up the offseason the look on his face was roughly the same as it would have been had I told him I pooped on his daughter last night.
Can we talk about “winning with class” before retaining the domestic abusing full back, signing a running back implicated in the Darren Sharper case and a wide receiver who had felony levels of marijuana mailed to his house?
Jed York is a world class fuck boy.
Either this is an optical illusion and Drew is really 3-5 feet in front of everyone or his head has a measurable gravitational pull to it. That poor neck....
“With FIFA and the IOC, if you’re going to be corrupt...”
I’m a Grown Ass Man: The Coming of Age of an American Proctologist by Dr. Butts
No, that’s against MLB’s rules
Show me the bar where there is NO music. Show me the bar where everyone is horribly depressed and is drinking in pure fucking silence. That’s the bar for me.
Work frowns upon me arriving and working in a giant banana costume.
I dreamed a dream in overtime