Dick Jokes

It hurts sometimes to admit this, but once upon a time, I lived in a group home for children who were victims of long-term abuse. It’s hard for people who have never had their humanity so thoroughly reduced, but just having a few moments of being treated like a real human-being can give a person a sense of dignity

In that situation—he’s been living in a foreign culture and hasn’t gotten to make a dish like that for anyone in possibly years—most chefs I know would’ve reacted the same way this one did. “It’s not busy, and I get to make the sort of comfort food I grew up with? Hell yes, I’m making an extra one for myself.”

Wait, waitwaitwait, hold the fucking phone... “Try” waffles? As in you’re a waffle virgin too?

First, there’s a “blue moon” every year. A blue moon is the term when a single calendar month has two full moons. This occurs every year because there are 13 full moon cycles per 365 days, and only 12 months. Second - there’s no such thing as a *Wiccan* ritual killing. Wiccans are like the puritans of non-violent

Sounds to me like they got zero from the neighbors, so they had to turn to a more “self-contained” theory. I don’t see the problem with simply stating they had nothing- the wichcraft angle sounds like a desperate guess.

Hmm, remember the last time a police department/sheriff believed that “witchcraft” was the reason for a triple murder? Didn’t turn out so well...

How to start your day like Mocena:

My brother tried that with my dad once. Once.

if the government banned porn

Now I can’t get that fucking song out of my head!

Undress that dog before you feed it. It’ll choke during the first round, for sure.

I wish this anecdote were a little more baller.

i don’t get all these skee lo comments the guy went 0 for 4 he didn’t have a hit single

The 30 for 30 on Bo left me with so many different feels:

I love Bo. He could have been one of the greatest of all times in two sports had it not been for his injury. But he took it in stride and hasn’t shied away into obscurity like most would. The 30 for 30 on him was excellent.

Hahahaha that cannot be real!

Never, and I mean never, underestimate an old guy in a fight. When my grandfather was 62 years old, he and one of his friends (also 62) were jumped by four guys in their 20’s. The worst of my grandfathers injuries were to his knuckles from punching faces. To this day, I do not fuck with this man, and he is 71.

Ryan should be first ballot in the Dad Strength HOF

“Sure, he takes a couple shots...”

Now playing

Man, I’m all over sharing YouTube clips on Deadspin today. Did you know there are Ventura/Ryan fight truthers who believe Ventura won the fight?