Dick Jokes

Was that Less Than Zero?

Aww, that was a cute video of Pete Davidson from last week.

Where’s my cocaine...

What’s bullshit is Pitchfork and their cooler-than-thou brand of know-it-all douchery.

Actually the opposite! It means that they felt secure enough to explore the world. So good job :)

To follow up on what you said Mo, if this was all due to lack of energy and what not, how much fucking energy did she expend being such an asshole? I mean, its one thing to be distant and not go the extra mile, its something else to as you say, actively be shitty.

Yeah, thank you, thank you for saying this. It’s so in the culture, that Oprah-style forgiveness message, that I feel awful for being at all angry that my mom let my stepfather molest me. I fake-forgave her from the beginning and am just now starting to own the anger. I DO NOT WANT HER IN MY LIFE, but it’s terrifying

Thank you for this. I have nightmares about my mother all the time. Mother’s Day is always one of the hardest days of the year for me. Not only was I beaten and berated, tied up, locked up in closets, all through childhood and adolescence, but when I was raped she would make jokes about it constantly. When I tell

Are you my mom perhaps? Cuz that’s some next level martyr shit right there. I do get what you mean. I do. It’s hard to be a single parent and provide in all the ways kids need it. But there is a difference between being drained and trying to actively balance everything that needs done and take care of your mental

You are an awful human being. Stop trolling these posts. If you genuinely can’t understand that people have bad relationships with their mothers and that this weekend is especially hard for them, then you need to learn some basic fucking empathy. Go the fuck away.

Can I just add that I hate how everyone views abuse as some sort of Cinderella story? You HAVE to forgive; you need to get over it because you found a good man; you must function like someone who was not horribly abused for decades. Doesn’t work like that.

You don’t know the full story of the choices this person had to make, so you should dial it back on the judgment.

Yeah. My mom does holiday crafts for her class but keeps them generic (like mother’s day is a flowered frame but it doesn’t actually say mother’s day) and makes sure the kids know they can go to anyone since lot are missing one or both of their parents.

I haven’t had to break from my parents, but I’m a big encourager of those who need to do that for their mental and emotional health. I can’t stand the “but, but, but... they’re your PARENTS” people. Having sex that one time does not a family make. And neither does paying for stuff. Family is about love and support and

This is my mother minus drinking plus that EXACT haircut.

Thanks for this piece, Natasha. For me it’s my Dad who I had to blacklist. I still get really tired of people who tell me “but but but he’s your Dad”. So what. He was no father. Sometimes being a Dad merely boils down to getting someone pregnant, and I resent being made to feel like I’m in his eternal debt because he

Hey Jezzies.

Every single piece would just be how Klostermann didn’t watch something, but was ‘intrigued’ to watch people’s reaction to it.


“What a great date night, right, babe?”