Dick Jokes


The O’s TV guys are getting a little loopy. For the last double off the wall they did their “Masters voices” and then cackled for 15 seconds.

I pray it’s Gary Thorne.

Please let a streaker make it onto the field somehow.

They should have figured out it wasn’t by a real Juggalo when they noticed all the words were spelled correctly.

Don’t knock the tennis racket. It’s still real to Drew.

After I saw you on “Chopped” I concluded you were the whitest man I’d ever seen. Now you tell me you walk around the house with a tennis racket? You’re the whitest man anyone’s ever seen.

It’s impossible, at this point, for A-Rod to have a heartwarming comeback story. Whatever he accomplishes from here on out with be greeted with either skepticism (people are already talking about him being back on the juice) or grudging respect.

What is the average time between when a guy gets to his hotel room on a business trip and when he starts jacking it?

Can’t get past the fact that Crampons sound like croissant tampons.

This is what we call “throwing their toys out of the pram.”

I can’t believe someone actually fell for that. Kudos.

that worked faster than I expected

“So fkn arbitrary. No rubric. Just pure luck of getting someone on a certain day reviewing your ‘violation’ WHICH is entirety insane on its own because if players are so offended by words on the internet they can FIRST turn chat censoring ON. Then as a second layer of protection for the weak minded they can MUTE the

Important omissions:

Pro Tip: Watch what people that are catching fish are doing. I once spent 2 hours on an inlet jetty trying to catch the run out with the tide, and never got a bite. Some guy, super Florida man complete with mullet, stache, no shirt, and skin like old leather, rides up on a 15 year old jet ski and ties off not 100 feet

Mentioned it in the bait shop section but you’re 100% correct. You never want to fuck with F&W.

I think that I speak for a lot of us in that we, your readers, were pretty excited about the change over in Jezebel staff. There has been a noticeable improvement in the angles taken on different pieces, there is less of a “mean girls” quality to a lot of the posts, and the odds of there being another Lena Dunham

I trust Amy’s beauty recommendations more than I could possibly trust a movie star’s. Amy exhibits results I am likely to achieve personally. Loving Amy is reasonable, evidence-based idolatry.